الساموراي الأخير

الساموراي الأخير 2003


ناثان ألجرين أمريكي تم توظيفه لتعليم الجيش الياباني أساليب الحرب الحديثة ، والتي تجده يتعلم احترام الساموراي والمبادئ الشريفة التي تحكمهم. بعد الضغط عليه لتدمير طريقة حياة الساموراي باسم التحديث والتجارة المفتوحة ، قرر Algren أن يصبح هو نفسه المحارب النهائي وأن يقاتل من أجل حقهم في الوجود.


الساموراي السبعة

الساموراي السبعة 1954


ساموراي يجيب على طلب إحدى القرى بالحماية بعد أن يقع في أوقات عصيبة. تحتاج البلدة للحماية من قطاع الطرق ، لذلك يجمع الساموراي ستة آخرين لمساعدته في تعليم الناس كيفية الدفاع عن أنفسهم ، ويقدم القرويون الطعام للجنود. تحدث معركة ضخمة عندما هاجم 40 قطاع طرق القرية.


47 Ronin

47 Ronin 2013


بعد أن قام أمراء الحرب الغادرون بقتل معلمهم ونفيهم، يتعهد 47 محارباً من الساموراي بالسعي إلى الثأر واستعادة شرفهم. وبينما يتم إبعادهم قسراً عن بلادهم ليتفرقوا في أرجاء الأرض، يضطر هذا الفريق من المحاربين إلى طلب مساعدة كاي (ريفز) الذي ينتمي إلى سلالة قاموا بطردها من قبل، حيث يناضلون في طريقهم عبر عالم شرس يمتلئ بالوحوش الأسطورية والسحر والرعب. وبعد أن صار هذا المحارب المنفي عبداً لهم، يصير سلاحهم الأكثر فتكاً، ليتحول كاي إلى البطل الذي يلهم هذه الفرقة من المتمردين للوصول على الخلود


كوبو والسلسلتان

كوبو والسلسلتان 2016


في العصور العتيقة التي مرت بها اليابان، يحيا كوبو حياة هادئة حالمة في قريته حتى يقترب من روح قديمة تتسبب في تغير حياته للأبد، ينفتح مع هذه الروح عصر قديم من الحروب والمعارك كما تجلب غضب الآلهة والوحوش جميعًا على كوبو، وعليه الهروب من كل هذه التحديات والبحث عن بدلة سحرية عتيقة كان يرتديها والده كي تنقذه.


Blade of the 47 Ronin

Blade of the 47 Ronin 2022


في هذا الجزء التكميلي ل "47 Ronin" ، تظهر فئة جديدة من المحاربين بين عشائر الساموراي للحفاظ على السيف المطلوب من الوقوع في الأيدي الخطأ.


لوبين الثالث:  قصر كاليسترو

لوبين الثالث: قصر كاليسترو 1979


يحكى هذا الفيلم عن أن لوبين و جيغن سرقا إحدى الملاهى الليلية ليجدا أن النقود كلها مزيفة و قد ثُقبت إحدى الإطارات بعد مطاردة دامية، المهم أنهم تلاقوا بالصدفة مع فتاة فى غاية الجمال و يطاردها مجموعة من اللصوص، المهم أن لوبين تظهر شهامته و ينقذ الفتاة من وقوعها من حافة إحدى الوديان... لكن مالم يحسب له لوبين حسابه هو أن الكنز الذى يبحث عنه هو كنز كاليسترو و أن الفتاة بالأصل هى الأميرة كلاريس التى تعيش بهذا القصر منذ عقود طويلة رغم أنها شكلها يوحى بأنها بالعشرين من عمرها و أنها ستُزف إلى الكونت الذى يحكم قصر كاليسترو، هذا الكونت يريد الزواج من كلاريس لأنه يريد الحصول على الكنز و لكن خاتم الأميرة هو المفتاح لفتح الكنز... كلاريس قد خُطفت و على لوبين بمعاونة عصابته إنقاذ الأميرة و أيضاً الحصول على الكنز، ترى هل سيستطيع ذلك؟ و ما السر الذى يجمع لوبين بالأميرة و لم يرد الفصح عنه لعصابته؟؟؟


الوحوش: لعنة التنين

الوحوش: لعنة التنين 2024


يسلك محارب من الساموراي دربًا يقوده إلى نادلة شابة دمر تنين مسقط رأسها... ورغم أنه لا يريد الوقوع في أي مشاكل، لكنها تعترض طريقهما لا محالة.


سيف الغريب

سيف الغريب 2007


فيـلم يحكي قصة شاب بلا اسم أي ناناشي يلتقـي بالصدفة بطفل يدعى كوتارو مع كلبه توبيمارو الملاحَق من طرف جنود صينيين و آخرون يابانيين ، حيث و بعد حماية الساموراي ناناشي للصبي، يتعرض الكلب المسكين لإصابة ، الشيء الدي دفع الطفل كوتارو لعقد اتفاق مع ناناشي : يوصلهم إلى شيراتو مقابل حجر كريم ، لتبدأ رحلة أبطالنـا من هنا … لكن ، ما لا يعرفه ناناشي ، هو أن الجنود المطاردين للصبي هم تحت إمرة الإمبراطور الدي يود قتل كوتارو من أجل إكمال صنع مخدر يكسبـك حياة أبديـة ، لكن ناناشـي اعتاد على كوتارو ، و لا يمكنه التخلي عنه ، فما مصير الصبي كوتارو ؟ و هل سيفلح الإمبراطور في عمليته ؟


كفوف الغضب: أسطورة هانك

كفوف الغضب: أسطورة هانك 2022


يجد كلب صيد صعب الحظ نفسه في بلدة مليئة بالقطط في حاجة إلى بطل للدفاع عنها من مؤامرة شرير لا يرحم لمحو قريتهم من الخريطة. بمساعدة معلم متردد ، يجب أن يتولى المستضعف لدينا دور ساموراي المدينة ويتعاون مع القرويين لإنقاذ الموقف.



羅生門 1950


يمتلئ فيلم "راشومون" بالحركة أثناء فحص طبيعة الحقيقة بدقة ، وربما يكون أفضل فيلم على الإطلاق للتحقيق في فلسفة العدالة. من خلال الاستخدام البارع للكاميرا وذكريات الماضي ، يكشف كوروساوا عن تعقيدات الطبيعة البشرية حيث يسرد أربعة أشخاص روايات مختلفة لقصة قتل رجل واغتصاب زوجته.


The Unfettered Shogun

The Unfettered Shogun 1978


Set in the 18th century, the show follows the Shogun Yoshimune, who likes to disguise himself as a low-ranking samurai and go into his capital of Edo to see the life of the common man, as well as to seek out and punish evildoers who would hurt his citizens. He is aided by Magistrate Oo'oka and a vivacious fireman, Tatsugoro, as well as a rotating cast of other recurring characters. Along with Zenigata Heiji and Mito Kōmon, it ranks among the longest-running series in the jidaigeki genre. Like so many other jidaigeki, it falls in the category of kanzen-chōaku, loosely, "rewarding good and punishing evil."


Rurouni Kenshin

Rurouni Kenshin 2023


Ten years have passed since the end of Bakumatsu, an era of war that saw the uprising of citizens against the Tokugawa shogunate. The revolutionaries wanted to create a time of peace, and a thriving country free from oppression. The new age of Meiji has come, but peace has not yet been achieved. Swords are banned but people are still murdered in the streets. Orphans of war veterans are left with nowhere to go, while the government seems content to just line their pockets with money.


Rurouni Kenshin

Rurouni Kenshin 1996


The Meiji Era was one of great renewal for Japan, where swords and killing were outlawed. However, many survivors from the time of Revolution still live, lurking in the shadows and waiting for a chance to use their killing blades again. Only Kenshin Himura, formerly one of the most brutal of killers, hopes to keep his swordsman's honor and still live in the new era.


Hyouge Mono

Hyouge Mono 2011


Sasuke Furuta is a vassal of the great warlord Nobunaga Oda and a man obsessed with tea ceremony and material desires in his pursuit of a fortuitous life. Having learned from Nobunaga and the legendary tea master Soueki Senne, Sasuke walks the way of the Hyouge Mono.



Shōgun 2024


In Japan in the year 1600, at the dawn of a century-defining civil war, Lord Yoshii Toranaga is fighting for his life as his enemies on the Council of Regents unite against him, when a mysterious European ship is found marooned in a nearby fishing village.


Samurai Girls

Samurai Girls 2010


The story takes place in Japan in the early 21st century, in an alternate reality where the Tokugawa Shogunate has remained in power. In this reality, student councils are tasked with oppressing schools. Yagyuu Muneakira is a high school student who rebels against his student council with the help of girls who've had the names of famous samurai heroes passed on to them.



Mushibugyou 2013


The action story is set in Edo-era Tokyo in the early 1700s. The eighth shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune ordered boxes to be installed so commoners can submit their thoughts. After hearing their voices, the shogun creates a new magistrate unit — Mushibugyou — to protect the people in the heart of the city. Each member is a specialist with unique fighting skills.


Charge! Men's Private School

Charge! Men's Private School 1988


Otokojuku, a private school for juvenile delinquents that were previously expelled from normal schools. At this school, Japanese chivalry is taught through the feudal and military fundamentals. Similar to an action film, the classes are overwhelmed by violence. Only those who survive it become true men.


What Will You Do, Ieyasu?

What Will You Do, Ieyasu? 2023


The drama series depicts the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu (January 31, 1543 – June 1, 1616). Takechiyo (who later becomes Tokugawa Ieyasu) was born as the son of a poor and powerless daimyo. Takechiyo lost his father during a war. He grew up lonely and away from his mother. Takechiyo didn't have a clue about what his future would hold. He then has a dramatic meeting with the young Oda Nobunaga.


Lone Wolf and Cub

Lone Wolf and Cub 1973


Ogami Itto is a master swordsman who holds a position of high power in the Tokugawa Shogunate. Highly trusted by the Shogun, he serves as the official decapitator, assisting lords and samurai who have been ordered by the Shogun to commit seppuku. One day, Itto’s wife and members of his household are brutally murdered by a clan seeking to avenge their lord’s execution, which had been carried out by Itto. In the wake of the attack, two items are left in Itto’s home: his unhurt infant son, Daigoro, and a symbol meant to signify Itto’s betrayal of the Shogun. Disgraced by the false symbol, Itto is labeled a traitor and forced to forfeit his position. He becomes a ronin, wandering the country with his son, searching for the men who killed his wife, seeking to clear his name and avenge her death.


The Tree In Sunlight

The Tree In Sunlight 2000


A story set in the mid-1800's about a young doctor who has been trained in Western-style medicine and a young samurai who is trying to live up to the old traditions of his class and culture. The story is actually based upon real people - the doctor, Ryo-an, was Tezuka's great grandfather. The manga series was adapted to anime by Madhouse Studios and premiered in Japan on NTV on April 4, 2000.


Blue Miburo

Blue Miburo 2024


The year is 1863, with the story being based in Kyoto. We follow a youth named Nio who is an honest and kind soul who's considerate of his family, yet he also has a hidden burning passion for seeking justice. From the time he came across Toshizou Hijikata and Souji Okita, members from a group of hated ronin known as the Miburo, his life then takes a turn to a bluer, and clearer path. Nio, alongside the other men whose hearts burn bravely and true, step forth towards an honest path with their blue wills adorned on their hearts!


Manyu Scroll

Manyu Scroll 2011


It is currently the Taiheimeji era, during the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate. In this era, breasts mean everything. If you have breasts, you are guaranteed wealth and popularity, but if you lack them, you are rarely considered human. Inside the shogunate, there is a group of warriors that support the government—the Manyuu Clan, which helps raise the future big breasts. Written on a secret scroll possessed by the clan, there are said to be various techniques on how to grow big and beautiful breasts. Chifusa is the heir of the clan. However, she takes the secret scroll and runs away with it, hoping to fight against the cruel world that the Manyuu Clan has created…



Dororo 2019


A samurai lord has bartered away his newborn son's organs to forty-eight demons in exchange for dominance on the battlefield. Yet, the abandoned infant survives thanks to a medicine man who equips him with primitive prosthetics—lethal ones with which the wronged son will use to hunt down the multitude of demons to reclaim his body one piece at a time, before confronting his father. On his journeys the young hero encounters an orphan who claims to be the greatest thief in Japan.


Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Kings

Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Kings 2009


During the Sengoku period, there are many factions constantly at war. One of these is led by a one-eyed man named Date Masamune and another by the imposing Takeda Shingen. The latter has a fiercely loyal subordinate named Sanada Yukimura who goes head to head against Date Masamune multiple times, but the battles between them tend to get interrupted. One such battle occurs when both men try to go after another leader named Imagawa, and they’re forced to break off their heated duel when Imagawa attempts to flee the scene with his body doubles. Yukimura and Masamune go after separate Imagawas, but all of the doubles are killed by a third party, and when their paths cross again, they are in front of the menacing Oda Nobunaga and his army. It was Nobunaga’s subordinates that killed those body doubles, and Nobunaga himself proceeds to kill the real Imagawa with a shotgun blast to the head.


Samurai Champloo

Samurai Champloo 2004


Break-dancing but fierce warrior Mugen has to deal with the cold-blooded and conceited Jin, a samurai who believes he is above all. These sworn enemies are brought together by Fuu for a special task.


Samurai Sentai Shinkenger

Samurai Sentai Shinkenger 2009


For eighteen generations, samurai of the Shiba Clan have suppressed the evil intentions of the Gedoushu, malevolent spirits that enter the world of the living from gaps between buildings and other structures. Now, Takeru Shiba, the youngest head of the Shiba Clan must gather his four vassals in order to battle the Gedoushu under the revived Doukoku Chimatsuri as the Shinkengers.


Onihei Hankachō

Onihei Hankachō 1989


Hasegawa is a chief police of big heart who leads a band of samurai police and cultivates reformed criminals as informants to solve difficult crimes.



Gintama 2006


In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.



Hakuoki 2010


Yukimura Chizuru is the daughter of a doctor who works in Edo; her father leaves Edo to work as a volunteer doctor and moves to Kyoto without his daughter. As time passes by, Chizuru starts worrying about losing contact with her father, so she decides to go to Kyoto in search of him. On the way, Chizuru is attacked by few criminals and witnesses a fight between an oni and the Shinsengumi. Taking her into custody and saving her, the Shinsengumi debate on what to do with Chizuru when they discover that she is the daughter of the doctor they are also looking for. So they decide to become Chizuru's protectors and help her look for her father (the doctor). Lots of events happen while she stays with the Shinsengumi, as they discover mysterious secrets and also fight against the Bakumatsu group.