الكلمة الرئيسية Diamond Theft
Out of Sight 1998
النمر الوردي 2 2009
تتم مكافأة المفتش (جاك كلوزو) بعد نجاحه في حل لغز إخفاء ماسة النمر الوردي، يقوم رئيسه الغاضب منه دائما (درايفوس) بمحاولة إبعاده في مجموعة من القضايا البسيطة، لكن لسوء الحظ تسرق الماسة النادرة مرة أخرى مع مجموعة من التحف حول العالم، يقوم (الإنتربول) بتشكيل فريق من عمالقة المحققين حول العالم من أجل استرجاع تلك الأشياء، ويكون (كلوزو) المثير للفوضى من بينهم بالطبع.
The Three Musketeers 1973
도둑들 2012
Ice 1994
Our Lips Are Sealed 2000
Tangier 1946
Far till sol och vår 1957
Mister Jerico 1970
Paris - New-York 1940
One Mysterious Night 1944
Desert Nights 1929
The Peddler of Lies 1920
Dateline Diamonds 1965
Rose Cuts Diamond 2016
Roses and diamonds are the most beautiful; hence it may not be possible to draw a comparison. But the beauty of these can have both valuable and toxic effects. Kanyika takes on the alias "Petch or Cat-Eyed Diamond" to fight for justice in her own way. As a child, her family was chased down and assassinated, but Kanyika was able to escape with the help of Darawan. Together, they bolster many attempts to commit jewelry crimes. Then, there is Danupope, who takes on the alias of "Kularb Kao or White Rose". Danupope is a Diamond hunter, and he finds things for his clients. Kanyika and Danupope cross paths, and their ideologies conflict. However, who would have thought that behind the "Cat Eyed Diamond" and "White Rose", there is a past connection? Will their ideologies interfere with their goals..? Will Kanyika successfully avenge her family?
The Moonstone 2016
Charismatic adventurer Franklin Blake is on the most important quest of his life - to solve the disappearance of the priceless Moonstone and win back Rachel Verinder, his one true love.