حقيبة سفر 2024
يهرع ضابط يعمل في أمن المطار لإفساد مخطط مسافر غامض يجبره على السماح بنقل غرض خطير خلال رحلة جوية عشية عيد الميلاد المجيد.
يهرع ضابط يعمل في أمن المطار لإفساد مخطط مسافر غامض يجبره على السماح بنقل غرض خطير خلال رحلة جوية عشية عيد الميلاد المجيد.
تدور أحداث الجزء الثاني حول قصتين متوازيتين؛ الأولى: تتعلق بالابن (مايكل كورليوني) في الخمسينيات من القرن الماضي، بعد نهاية الجزء الأول؛ إذ يسعى للتوسع في نشاط عائلته في أماكن جديدة مثل لاس فيجاس، وهوليوود، وكوبا. والثانية: عودة للماضي لتاريخ الأب (فيتو كورليوني) وطفولته في (صقلية) بإيطاليا في بداية القرن العشرين، هجرته لأمريكا مجبرًا وتأسيسه لعائلة كورليوني الإجرامية في مدينة نيويورك.
تلجأ مديرة تحرير بدار نشر لطلب الزواج من موظف تحت قيادتها، لتتمكن من الحفاظ على الإقامة في الولايات المتحدة، فتبدأ في التودد إليه رغم شخصيتها الحازمة.
تواجه "لو" مديرة صالة الألعاب الرياضية المنعزلة صعوبة في التعامل مع جاكي، لاعبة كمال الأجسام الطموحة التي توجهت عبر المدينة إلى لاس فيغاس سعيًا لتحقيق حلمها. لكن حبهم يشعل العنف، ويسحبهم إلى أعماق شبكة عائلة لو الإجرامية.
(همبرت) أستاذ بريطاني الجنسية يسافر إلى أمريكا لممارسة مهنة التدريس. يستأجر غرفة في منزل السيدة (شارلوت هايز)، بمجرد أن يتعرف على ابنتها دولوريس (لوليتا) البالغة من العمر أربعة عشر عامًا، يشعر بانجذاب فوري تجاهها، على الرغم من كراهيته للسيدة (شارلوت)، يتزوجها لأنها الطريقة الوحيدة التي تجعله قريبا من (لوليتا) التي تثبت أنها أكثر نضجا من سنها. لتبدأ حالة من مشاعر الحب المتبادلة بينهما.
تدور أحداث العمل حول بدايات (دونالد ترامب) في شبابه ونشاطه التجاري في مجال العقارات بالسبعينات والثمنينات في نيويورك، مستعينًا بمساعدة محاميه سيئ السمعة (روي كوهن).
أثناء احتفالهم بتخرجهم من المدرسة الثانوية ، يتعرّض أربعة أصدقاء لحادث صدم وهرب عندما تصطدم سيارتهم ويقتل أحد المشاة على ما يبدو على طريق معزول. يتخلصون من الجثة ويتعهدون بإبقاء الحادث سرًا ، وبعد عام يبدأ شخص ما في إرسال رسائل إليهم تحمل تحذير "أعرف ما فعلته في الصيف الماضي".
يجب على لص السيارات المتقاعد راندال ممفيس راينز العودة إلى العمل من جديد رغمًا عنه وتحقيق المستحيل بسرقة 50 سيارة مع فريقه في ليلة واحدة لإنقاذ حياة أخيه.
خلال 141 عاما ، لم يكن هناك خائن في الخدمة السرية.... حتى الآن. يتم تأطير عميل الخدمة السرية على أنه الخلد في محاولة اغتيال الرئيس. يجب عليه تبرئة اسمه وإحباط محاولة اغتيال أخرى أثناء فراره من عميل مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي الذي لا هوادة فيه.
يجد بوب ساجينوفسكي نفسه في قلب عملية سطو وقعت بشكل منحرف ومتشابك في تحقيق يتعمق في ماضي الحي حيث يعمل الأصدقاء والعائلات والأعداء معًا لكسب العيش - بغض النظر عن التكلفة.
يتم إرسال اثنين من محققي جرائم القتل في لوس أنجلوس إلى بلدة شمالية حيث لا تغيب الشمس للتحقيق في قتل منهجي لمراهق محلي.
تدور الأحداث في ولاية ميسيسيبي الجنوبية حيث يقرر الأب الأسود كارل لي هايلي أن ينتصر للعدالة بطريقته الخاصة، وذلك بعد أن فشل النظام القضائي في إدانة الرجلين اللذين قاما باغتصاب ابنته وتركاها على حافة الموت. يقتل كارل الرجلين البيض انتقامًا لابنته، و يوكِل المحامي المغمور جاك بريجانس ليدافع عنه في المحكمة .وهنا تنفجر قنبلة العنصرية في وجه الجميع .
إحدى شركات المحاماة الشهيرة في نيويورك تقوم بتوظيف المحامي الشاب البارع (ميتش)، وتعطيه العديد من المميزات، والهدايا، التي تجعله يتغافل عن الجانب الشرير للشركة. يُقتل اثنان من العاملين بالشركة بطريقة غامضة، بواسطة المسئولين، يطلب مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالية معاونة (ميتش) للكشف عن غموض الجريمة، فيجد نفسه محاصراً بين المضي قدماً مع الشركة، أو التعاون مع مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالية، مما قد يؤدي إلى تدمير حياته في كلا الحالتين.
The internet is no longer a place you log on and visit; it's where you live. The home of true crime is now online. The internet is the Wild West. And if you're not careful, you too could be caught in a Web of Lies.
A whip-smart doctor comes to the U.S. for a medical treatment to save her ailing son. But when the system fails and pushes her into hiding, she refuses to be beaten down and marginalized. Instead, she becomes a cleaning lady for the mob and starts playing the game by her own rules.
Hiyori Iki is a normal middle school student until she was involved in a bus accident while trying to protect a stranger. This incident causes her soul to frequently slip out of her body, and she becomes aware of the existence of two parallel worlds. Through her soul, she meets the strange, nameless god without a shrine, Yato. Yato is determined to make a name for himself out there by accepting any wishes for 5 yen, including Hiyori's to fix her body.
Police drama set in New York City, exploring the internal and external struggles of the fictional 15th precinct of Manhattan. Each episode typically intertwined several plots involving an ensemble cast.
A sexless married couple starts blackmailing adulterous couples for money.
Between August and October, 1952, a series of unusual crimes takes place in Musashino and Mitaka: the attempted murder of 14-year-old Kanako Yuzuki, Kanako's abduction from the strange research "hospital" where she was recovering, then abductions of other girls, followed by their severed limbs in custom-fitted boxes being placed in surrounding towns. News editor Morihiko Toriguchi and crime fiction writer Tatsumi Sekiguchi investigate with the help of onmyōji Akihiko Chūzenji.
Love, Elections & Chocolate, is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by Sprite, and it was released in Japan on October 29, 2010 for Windows PCs. The gameplay in Love, Elections & Chocolate follows a branching plot line, which offers pre-determined scenarios with courses of interaction, and focuses on the appeal of the five female main characters by the player character. There have been two manga adaptations based on the game: one each serialized in ASCII Media Works' Dengeki G's Magazine and Dengeki Daioh. A 12-episode anime TV series adaptation produced by AIC Build and directed by Tōru Kitahata aired between July and September 2012. An additional episode was released on the series' final Blu-ray Disc and DVD volume in March 2013.
Some guys have no luck; he’s got no pulse. That’s life for poor unfortunate, undead Ayumu. First, he was murdered by a serial killer. Total bummer. Then he was resurrected as a zombie by a cute little Necromancer. That seemed pretty cool until she moved into his house, refused to speak, and forced his rotting carcass to do all the cooking. After that, a magical girl in a pretty pink dress used her matching chainsaw to chop his corpse in half. Luckily, the Necromancer’s powers of resurrection trumped those of the chainsaw chick, so instead of dying (again), Ayumu became the world’s first magical girl zombie. There’s also a voluptuous vampire ninja who thinks zombie boy’s a pervert – and a hideous crayfish demon who wants to devour him. Confused? All you gotta know is this: zombies, frilly dresses, demons, and moe chainsaws. Pink. It’s the new dead.
Stuntman Cha Dal-geon gets involved in a tragic airplane crash and ends up discovering a national corruption scandal in the process. Go Hae-ri, the oldest daughter of a deceased marine, decides to work for the National Intelligence Service as a secret ops agent in order to support her mom and younger siblings, although all she wanted to do is to become a civil servant.
Ferhat is a hitman working for his criminal uncle. Aslı is a young and idealistic doctor. One day, their roads crossed in the most unexpected way: Aslı is forced to operate on a man that Ferhat had shot.
Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "Mama," Isabella. Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage — a rule they are expected to follow no matter what. However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family... never to be heard from again. However, the three oldest siblings have their suspicions about what is actually happening at the orphanage, and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children living at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their beloved Mama.
Adventurer James Keziah Delaney returns to London from Africa in 1814 along with fourteen stolen diamonds to seek vengeance after the death of his father.
Everything is not what it seems in Trinity, South Carolina. Sheriff Lucas Buck develops a sinister interest in Caleb. Caleb's cousin Gail tries to protect him, but that's complicated since she has feelings for Sheriff Buck. And Caleb's dead sister, Merlyn, returns as an angel, warning him that Buck is an incarnation of evil - and may not be human.
Models Inc. is an American prime time soap opera that aired on the Fox television network during the 1994-1995 television season. It is the third series in the Beverly Hills, 90210 franchise. The series was created by Charles Pratt, Jr. and Frank South, and executive produced by Aaron Spelling, Charles Pratt, Jr., Frank South, and E. Duke Vincent.
"I'll make it so your body's unable to forget mine." Saijou Takato's 5 year reign as the 'Most Huggable No. 1' has been snatched. Stealing his thunder is the newbie actor with a 3-year debut, Azumaya! Towards the stuffy hostile Takato, Azumaya's sincere sparkling smile starts to become effective. Even as Takato sets his alert level on MAX, Azumaya catches Takato in his shameful drunken state and uses it to blackmail him! In exchange for Azumaya's silence, Azumaya states, "Please let me hold you…?! Embrace me, who was the Most Huggable No.1?" What the heck is he saying! Includes a large quantity of other high suspense erotic stories.
A web of secrets sends family man Adam Price on a desperate quest to uncover the truth about the people closest to him.
Soo Young is a judge who fixes the wrongs of politics. Min Young is interested and inspired to get into it.
Guilt, violence and impossible choices – what does it take to survive? Tense, gritty and heartbreaking – Jimmy McGovern's award-winning prison drama, with an all-star cast.
All thanks to the special ability that he developed, Yuu was able to cheat his way into a very prestigious high school. With his power, he thought nothing was going to stand in his way, until he met a mysterious girl named Nao Tomori and other students with special abilities just like him. It was the beginning to a new life.
A teacher starts her job at a high school but is haunted by a suspicious death that occurred there weeks before and begins fearing for her own life.