أولاد النيكل 2024
استنادًا إلى رواية كولسون وايتهايد الحائزة على جائزة بوليتزر، يروي فيلم "Nickel Boys" قصة الصداقة القوية بين شابين أمريكيين من أصل أفريقي يواجهان تجارب قاسية في مدرسة الإصلاح معًا في فلوريدا.
استنادًا إلى رواية كولسون وايتهايد الحائزة على جائزة بوليتزر، يروي فيلم "Nickel Boys" قصة الصداقة القوية بين شابين أمريكيين من أصل أفريقي يواجهان تجارب قاسية في مدرسة الإصلاح معًا في فلوريدا.
من العقول وراء البحث يأتي Missing ، وهو لغز مثير للأفعوانية يجعلك تتساءل عن مدى معرفتك بأقربائك إليك. عندما تختفي والدتها (نيا لونغ) أثناء إجازتها في كولومبيا مع صديقها الجديد ، يعيق الروتين الدولي البحث عن إجابات لشهر يونيو (العاصفة ريد). عالقة على بعد آلاف الأميال في لوس أنجلوس ، تستخدم June بشكل إبداعي أحدث التقنيات في متناول يدها لمحاولة العثور عليها قبل فوات الأوان. لكن بينما تتعمق أكثر ، يثير تجسسها الرقمي أسئلة أكثر من الإجابات ... وعندما تكشف جون أسرارًا عن والدتها ، تكتشف أنها لم تعرفها أبدًا على الإطلاق.
(ميخائيل بلومكافست) صحافي وصاحب مجلة بارزة، يُكلف من قبل أحد النافذين اﻷثرياء بكشف الغموض حول واقعة اختفاء ابنة أحد أشقائه منذ 40 عامًا، وتعاونه في هذه المهمة الصعبة قرصانة الحواسيب غريبة اﻷطوار (ليزبيث سالاندر) ويعملان معًا، ويكشفا عن العديد من المفاجأت المروعة خلال هذا التحقيق.
ما أنت قادر على؟ يقوم ثلاثة طلاب في المدرسة الثانوية باكتشاف لا يصدق ، مما يؤدي إلى تطوير قوى خارقة تفوق فهمهم. عندما يتعلمون التحكم في قدراتهم واستخدامها لصالحهم ، تبدأ حياتهم في الخروج عن نطاق السيطرة ، وتبدأ جوانبهم المظلمة في السيطرة.
في جحيم الغرب الأمريكي القديم ، ليز هي ناجية حقيقية يطاردها واعظ منتقم لجريمة لم ترتكبها.
في إطار من الدراما التاريخية، تدور الأحداث في عام 1985 عندما يكتشف الأب المخلص (بيل فورلونج) أسرارًا مقلقة يحتفظ بها الدير المحلي بالمنطقة، فتظهر تدريجيًا العديد من الحقائق الصادمة.
قصة حياة (ميكي) و(مالوري) الثنائي السفاح، اللذين ارتكبا العديد من المجازر والجرائم، ليس حباً قي المال أو السلطة أو الانتقام، لكن فقط لإرضاء نزعة شهوانية للقتل، يتم تضخيمهما، وتحويلهما إلى أسطورة بواسطة الإعلام، فيتحولان لبطلين شعبيين، يروي القصة الشخص الوحيد اللذان تركاه حياً ليشهد على جرائمهما.
ما تراه يمكن أن يؤذيك. تقضي راشيل واتسون ، التي دمرها طلاقها الأخير ، تنقلاتها اليومية في تخيل الزوجين المثاليين على ما يبدو اللذين يعيشان في منزل يمر به قطارها كل يوم ، حتى ترى ذات صباح شيئا صادما يحدث هناك وتتورط في الغموض الذي يتكشف.
يروي الفلم قصة الفتى تاكو صاحب طموحٍ ليكون صانع أحذية، يلتقي بامرأة غريبة تجلس في الحديقة عند هطول المطر، يتبادل الاثنان بضع كلمات مع بعضهما وفي نهاية اللقاء البكر والأول تلقي السيدة الشابة بيتاً شعرياً من نمط التانكا –شعر ياباني- في أسلوب توديع ثم يغادران. تتكرر اللقاءات في الأيام المطيرة بدون أية ترتيبات مسبقة، وتتواصل الأرواح أكثر، والشابة الجميلة المتأنقة يوكاري يوكينو تخرج القليل مما تكتمه في صدرها، غموضها الساحر وغياب التفاصيل يسحر تاكاو، ليس حباً لكنه ارتباط من نوع ما.
Angsty and awkward fifteen year old Ginny Miller often feels more mature than her thirty year old mother, the irresistible and dynamic Georgia Miller. After years on the run, Georgia desperately wants to put down roots in picturesque New England and give her family something they've never had... a normal life. But it's not all carpool and Kombucha as Georgia's past threatens her and her family's new way of life... and Georgia will do anything to protect her family.
Cha Woo Kyung is a child counselor who works at a children’s center. Her life seems perfect since he is married to a great husband and is pregnant. However, her perfect life doesn't last long, when an accident changes her life. She then meets Kang Ji Hun, a detective who is hurt for hiding his troubling past but is strict toward criminals and believes they should be punished to the full extent.
A man who has mastered the art of making wrong decisions finds himself living with his sweetheart. Along the way, the series sheds light on other issues like unemployment, obesity, the servants' situation, and other problems facing the Lebanese society.
Discover the untold story of the toxic and abusive environment inside '90s kids' TV. Hear harrowing accounts from former child stars and crew who probe the balance of power in the industry and reveal an era that inflicted lasting wounds still felt today.
A successful Atlanta attorney's long-lost childhood friends unexpectedly reappear after 25 years. When a dark secret they thought they'd buried resurfaces, the brotherhood bands together to right the wrongs of their shared past - a journey that will push the limits of their loyalty and quench their thirst for revenge.
Khun Chai Thitirat is a rich college student who meets a 15 year old girl named Duenram who was running away from home due to domestic abuse and helps her. After his girlfriend Dooktae dumps him after Khunchai goes to US for studies, he lost trust in women and becomes a cynic. On coming back to Thailand he meets Ram again but treats her with disdain. Duenram lives with her father and stepfamily who ill treats her. Khun Chai's father and Ram's father had made a promise to get Khunchai married to Ram's daughter named Maya Rasamee. Where or who is Maya Rasamee ?
Ai, a young girl with shut-in tendencies, who tries not to interact with others. She keeps one of her eyes hidden behind her hair. One day, she happens to stop by a deserted arcade, where she meets "Aka." Spinning the gacha at their urging, she acquires a "Wonder Egg," and from that moment, her fate begins to change...
While hunting for a dating-site predator, an underused cop discovers a husband and wife with a horrific secret — and a web of conspiracy hiding it.
Through the eyes of ten-year-old Alexander, we witness the delights and conflicts of the Ekdahl family, a sprawling bourgeois clan in turn-of-the-twentieth-century Sweden.
Sakamoto, an unemployed young man, is one of the world's top players of an online fighting game called Btooom! One day, he wakes up on what appears to be a tropical island, although he doesn't remember how or why he got there.
Shian is a woman whose boyish looks attract her attention from other women who think she's much more attractive than the average guy. However, she struggles with two issues, an extreme fear of men and excessive meddling from her mother. Suddenly appearing before Shian was beautiful college junior Ritsuko. As kind-hearted as she seems, she's actually an obsessive stalker who has feelings for Shian. Meanwhile, Shian starts working part-time at a women's cafe, where she meets head chef Hasumi Yuushin. Although he is a man, she realizes she doesn't find herself panicking around him, but beneath Hasumi's true facade is that of a playboy. She seeks help from Hasumi to overcome her fear, however, Hasumi proposes mediating between her and Ritsuko as a condition, and the two of them form a 'secret alliance'..."
A young woman is hired as a maid to an heiress who lives a secluded life on a large countryside estate with her domineering uncle. But, the maid has a secret: she is a pickpocket recruited by a swindler posing as a gentleman to help him seduce the heiress to elope with him, rob her of her fortune, and lock her up in a madhouse. The plan seems to proceed according to plan until the women discover some unexpected emotions.
Muqi, a young pop star becomes more and more arrogant, especially with his manager Nagatsuki, a long-time friend who suddenly commits suicide. Muqi finds himself crushed by sadness and guilt. At the funeral, he meets Master Bensheng, guru of a cult his friend belonged to. If at first, he finds comfort within his place, cracks may soon appear in the caring appearances of the cult members.
Truth is not what it seems; as the underworld of fashion, the billionaire class, and Jeffrey Epstein are revealed to all be inextricably intertwined with the rise and fall of this legendary brand.
Rose McGowan, artist and activist, documents the work being done to spread her message of “bravery, art, joy and survival.”
Based on true events, The Hunt For The Unicorn Killer tells the shocking story of Ira Einhorn, a respected American peace activist in 1970s America. He lives with Holly Maddux (Naomi Watts), but when he tries to leave him in 1977, she suddenly disappears under mysterious circumstances. Somewhat later, her lifeless body is found in a suitcase in the flat of Einhorn, who has meanwhile fled the country and in the following years cleverly manages to stay one step ahead of the authorities. However, Holly's father remains determined to bring justice in his daughter's name and after a lengthy manhunt, he finds the 'unicorn killer' in France in 1997.
The relationship between childhood sweethearts, a farmer's daughter and boy from a rich family, turns tumultuous in this modern interpretation of Wuthering Heights.
Exposing the truth at one of our most feared institutions, by the people who were there.