الكلمة الرئيسية Party
Y2K 2024
الطلاب الجدد 2024
في أسبوعهم الأول في المدرسة الثانوية وأثناء أكبر حفل يقام في العام، يرتكب أربعة أولاد مراهقين الأخطاء خلال ليلة تضجّ بالفوضى والإغراءات.
جثث في كل مكان 2022
يحتفل مجموعة من الشباب في العشرينات من العمر بإقامة حفل في منزل عائلي بعيد، وسرعان ما تنقلب الأمور حينما يتعرض أحدهم للقتل ويتسلل الشك لقلوب الجميع.
Girls Trip 2017
سامحنا مقدما في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الجامحة هذه تقوم أربع صديقات برحلة إلى نيو أورلينز لحضور مهرجان سنوي ، وعلى طول الطريق ، يعيدن اكتشاف جوانبهن البرية ويعززن روابط الأخوة.
The Ice Storm 1997
Skyline 2010
Suncoast 2024
تدور أحداث فيلم "SUNCOAST" المستوحى من تجربة حياة تشين في أوائل العقد الأول من القرن الحادي والعشرين، حول مراهقة (نيكو باركر) تعيش مع والدتها القوية الإرادة (لورا ليني)، والتي تضطر إلى اصطحاب شقيقها (كري كاوا) للعيش في منشأة متخصصة. وهناك، تقيم علاقة صداقة غير متوقعة مع ناشط غريب الأطوار (وودي هارلسون) وسط احتجاجات تحيط بواحدة من أكثر الحالات الطبية البارزة على الإطلاق.
54 1998
Fiona 2023
Party Girl 1995
Christmas Cupid 2010
Trauerspuren 2024
Smáfuglar 2008
Legacy 2015
Dam$els of Luxury 2024
2DEZIT 2022
Life at university puts the relationship of two highschool sweethearts to the test. Their four dormmates quickly suck them into a world of sex, booze and drugs, but also deep conversations, experiments and (emotional) hangovers.
Mazica Party 2021
The franchise's story centers on wizards who gather mazica in order to save the world. Junior high school student Kezuru wakes up after a strange dream featuring himself as a wizard, a creature called "mazin," and a mysterious girl. The next day, his friend Kuracchi proudly shows off the newly launched Mazica Party card game. To Kezuru's shock, all the characters drawn in the game's cards are just like the ones in his dream.
Summer Heat 2022
A group of young adults working at a paradisiac resort live an unforgettable summer as they discover love, true friendships and devastating secrets.
Wild and Free 2020
A group of young and charming individuals forms relationships, parties, fights, laughs, and cries during their eventful stay at a luxurious beach house in Florianópolis (Floripa).
HK2NY: Hong Kong to New York - Backpacking Documentary Series 2014
Ever wanted to quit your job and go travelling round the world? Well James and Karl did and filmed it all. The backpacking documentary follows James and Karl as they travel through 20 countries in 4 continents over 9 months, covering a distance of over 42,000 miles.
Decoupled 2021
A misanthropic writer and his startup-founder wife juggle their impending divorce with the absurdities and annoyance of life in their affluent world.
Celebrations with Lacey Chabert 2024
The show follows Chabert as she surprises deserving individuals who are making a positive impact in their communities with the celebration of a lifetime. With the help of professional party planners, celebrity friends and a team of volunteers, Chabert will have just three days to create an unforgettable event, blending heartwarming stories with dazzling celebrations.
Kotmadam Sarafian 2024
The craziest landlady in the country is undoubtedly Barbara Sarafian. With her rich life experience and powerful personality, she takes care of seven students in Ghent for an entire academic year. Barbara lives with them in their student room for 10 months, where life's greatest lessons arise and where they navigate a rollercoaster of heartbreak, exam stress, growing pains and partying together. Is Barbara the strict mother or more of a warm friend? Will there be a generational clash or will she become one of them? And how does Barbara stay afloat among the lively Gen Zers?