Ray Huffine Grin and Bear It No Hunting Plutopia Spare the Rod Rugged Bear The Little House Lambert the Sheepish Lion Morris the Midget Moose Canvas Back Duck Crazy with the Heat Dragon Around Bearly Asleep Chicken in the Rough The Flying Squirrel Two Chips and a Miss The Brave Engineer The Bird Who Came to Dinner Contrasts in Rhythm Fathers Are People In Dutch African Diary The Legend of Coyote Rock Sufferin' Cats Eggnapper Papoose on the Loose Clash and Carry Mississippi Slow Boat Gabby's Diner Tricky Trout St. Moritz Blitz Doc's Last Stand Case of the Red-Eyed Ruby Busman's Holiday Bear and the Bees Mother's Little Helper Fowled-Up Birthday Goose in the Rough Charlie's Mother-in-Law Foot Brawl Guest Who? Jerky Turkey Roof-Top Razzle Dazzle Mouse in the House Rah Rah Ruckus Davey Cricket Rocket Racket Window Pains The Goose Is Wild Rough and Tumbleweed Mail Dog Ski-napper Chilly Chums Fish Hooked Mackerel Moocher Pesky Pelican Fowled Up Falcon Pistol Packin' Woodpecker Jungle Medics Under Sea Dogs Case of the Elephant's Trunk Hyde and Sneak The Case of the Maltese Chicken Freeloading Feline Southern Fried Hospitality بينوكيو From All of Us to All of You الفرسان الثلاثة لحن الجنوب This Is Your Life Donald Duck سندريلا بامبي Have Gun Can't Travel Chip 'n Dale: Trouble in a Tree Chip 'n' Dale: Here Comes Trouble