Matthew F. Leonetti Star Trek: First Contact Star Trek: Insurrection Strange Days Johnny Handsome 2 سريع 2 غاضب Poltergeist Dragnet نظرية تأثير الفراشة فجر الموتى Action Jackson Along Came a Spider The Ice Pirates Species II Jumpin' Jack Flash Commando ساعة الذروة 2 Dead Again Fever Pitch Another 48 Hrs. The Heartbreak Kid Weird Science Leap of Faith Accepted What Happens in Vegas Santa's Slay Hard to Kill Red Heat Fast Times at Ridgemont High Mr. Billion It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Guy The Deadly Tower Movie 43 The Bat People Secret Witness American Raspberry Halloween Hotline Son-Rise: A Miracle of Love Extreme Prejudice High Risk E.T. and Friends: Magical Movie Visitors الغبي والأغبى منه 2 Breaking Away The Secret Night Caller The Comedy Company Time to Run American Geisha Pride Under the Influence The Elevator Fast Forward The Three Stooges Cool Dog The Buddy System Eyewitness The Chicken Chronicles Search for the Gods Hall Pass Willa Fled Turnover Smith A Fire in the Sky Stand by Your Man The Triangle Factory Fire Scandal Crazy Times Superdome Angels in the Outfield Ruby and Oswald Special Olympics Hurricane The Call of the Wild The Hostage Heart Flight to Holocaust American Raspberry A Low Down Dirty Shame المرتزقة Raise the Titanic Songwriter Happy Demolition Man Mae West Terror on the 40th Floor The Spell The Lives of Jenny Dolan Jagged Edge Mortal Kombat: Annihilation Soul Men