17 juin média
The Ogre's Wife 2021
Michelle Martin, Monique Olivier, and Karla Homolka shared the lives of fearsome pedophile predators with full knowledge of the facts and sometimes even participated in their crimes. They all have in common that they present themselves as victims, but the experts who testify in this report are far from sharing this vision.
Entendre l'indicible 2023
At the Saint-Malo hospital, a dedicated unit cares for children who are victims of abuse. This unique place allows minors to be heard by both investigators and psychologists. Everyone involved is trained in gathering testimony from children.
Les Parisiennes 2009
Naturopathie, un peu, beaucoup... à la folie 2024
Treat yourself naturally and without drugs: that's the promise of naturopathy. Fasting, essential oils, plants, massages... More and more people in France are falling for these techniques for staying healthy. Naturopathic practices are springing up all over France. The health crisis, the mistrust of drugs and the public's growing interest in natural remedies have encouraged the growth of this practice, which is based on diet, physical exercise and stress and emotional management. There are currently almost 6,000 naturopaths in France.