
Шрэк 2001


У далёкай казачнай кpаіне жоpсткі валадаp Фаpкўад забаpаніў усе казкі і выгнаў казачных геpояў. Яны вымушаныя пасяліцца на балоце, дзе жыве самотны людажэp Шpэк. Шрэку не спадабалася шумная кампанія новых суседзяў – асабліва балбатун Аслюк, які настойліва хоча пасябраваць са Шрэкам. Каб вярнуць сваё балота і былы спакой, Шрэк выпраўляецца да валадара Фаркўада. Але той згодны вярнуць балота толькі пры адной умове: Шрэк вызваліць для яго каралеўну Фіёну. Шрэк і Аслюк выпраўляюцца ў падарожжа, поўнае прыгод і нечаканасцяў...


Уладар пярсцёнкаў: Вяртанне караля

Уладар пярсцёнкаў: Вяртанне караля 2003


Пад павадырствам Голума Фрода і Сэм дасягаюць межаў Мордара. Місія хобітаў падыходзіць да завяршэння, як і патаемны план іх правадніка. Тым часам Гэндальф і Арагарн, Легалас і Гімлі, Меры і Піпін прыкладваюць усе намаганні, каб аб’яднаць людзей Міжзем’я для апошняга супрацьстаяння з Саўранам. І не толькі, каб абараніць вольныя землі ад яго легіёнаў, але і каб адцягнуць увагу Ворага ад перамяшчэнняў на яго ўласнай зямлі.


Уладар пярсцёнкаў: Звяз Пярсцёнка

Уладар пярсцёнкаў: Звяз Пярсцёнка 2001


Прайшло больш за тры тысячы гадоў з падзення Цёмнага ўладара Саўрана, падступнага ворага свабодных народаў Міжзем'я. Але ён выжыў, дзякуючы моцы Адзінага Пярсцёнка, які ўтрымліваў частку ягонай душы. Цяпер Саўран шукае яго, каб вярнуць сабе ўладу над светам. Тым часам даўно страчаны Пярсцёнак знаходзіцца і трапляе да хобіта Фрода Торбінса. Лёс Міжзем’я зноў вісіць на валаску. Фрода і восем яго паплечнікаў распачынаюць небяспечнае падарожжа да гары Лёсу — адзінага месца, дзе Пярсцёнак можа быць знішчаны.


Уладар пярсцёнкаў: Дзве Вежы

Уладар пярсцёнкаў: Дзве Вежы 2002


Шляхі Ахоўнікаў разыходзяцца, але іхняя мэта застаецца нязменнай: знішчэнне Едзінга Персня. Фродо і Сэм вымушаны даверыць свае жыцці Голлуму, каб знайсці шлях да Мордора. Калі армія Сарумана пераходзіць у наступ, іншыя Ахоўнікі разам з людзьмі і рознымі істотамі ў Сярэдзем’і рыхтуюцца да вайны. Вайна Персня пачынаецца


Вандроўны замак Хаўла

Вандроўны замак Хаўла 2004


Адной жудаснай раніцай 18-гадовая Сафі прачынаецца ў целе пажылой кабеты. Спалохаўшыся ўласнага адлюстравання ў люстэрку, яна вырашае бегчы з горада як мага далей. На шляху счараваная дзяўчына сустракае дзіўную хату на ножках, якую насяляюць вельмі незвычайныя істоты. Каб пазбавіць сябе ад чараў злой вядзьмаркі, Сафі прыйдзецца дапамагчы адной з іх…


The Crown of the Kings

The Crown of the Kings 2018


Piasts' reign is coming to end on Casimir the Great, who have no sons. Polish throne comes to Anjous. Thanks to the marriage of Saint Jadwiga of Poland with Lithuanian Grand Duke Jogaila, an alliance is made and a new dynasty - Jagiellons, who rule Poland for next two hundred years


He-Man and the Masters of the Universe

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 1983


When Adam, Prince of the planet Eternia, raises his magic sword he transforms into He-Man (the most powerful man in the universe). With his allies and friends, he battles the evil Skeletor and his minions to protect the secrets of Castle Greyskull.



Reign 2013


Mary, Queen of Scots, faces political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court.



Gormenghast 2000


At the Castle of Gormenghast, the Groan family has ruled with dusty ceremony for more than seventy generations. A clever and ambitious new kitchen boy, Steerpike, begins to insinuate himself into the affections of Lady Fuchsia Groan and to murder his way to power.


Da Vinci's Demons

Da Vinci's Demons 2013


The series follows the "untold" story of Leonardo Da Vinci: the genius during his early years in Renaissance Florence. As a 25-year old artist, inventor, swordsman, lover, dreamer and idealist, he struggles to live within the confines of his own reality and time as he begins to not only see the future, but invent it.


Count Duckula

Count Duckula 1988


Count Duckula is a vegetarian vampire duck, coming into the world as an accident. Unlike his family and ancestors, he has no bloodlust, as when he was reincarnated, blood was omitted and replaced with ketchup.


Witches of East End

Witches of East End 2013


The adventures of Joanna Beauchamp and her two adult daughters Freya and Ingrid -- both of whom unknowingly are their family's next generation of witches -- who lead seemingly quiet, uneventful modern day lives in Long Island's secluded seaside town of East Haven. When Freya becomes engaged to a young, wealthy newcomer, a series of events forces Joanna to admit to her daughters they are, in fact, powerful and immortal witches.


The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance 2019


Return to the world of Thra, where three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power and set out to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world.


Chateau Meiland

Chateau Meiland 2019


Chateau Meiland has been on Dutch television since 2019. The Meiland family's adventure started when they bought a castle in France where they ran a bed and breakfast. The family has now been living in the Netherlands for a number of years, where the recordings of the reality series continue unabated.


Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum

Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum 1994


Nino is a 300-year-old boy who lives with his uncle, Dr. Victor, a sorcerer and scientist, and his great-aunt Morgana, a 6,000-year-old witch. The three of them live in a castle in the middle of the city of São Paulo. Apprentice sorcerer, Nino has never attended a school, because of the unusual age of 300 years. His parents left him living with Victor and Morgan, because they needed to travel on an expedition into outer space, taking their two younger brothers. In spite of having animal and supernatural friends in the Castle, Nino, feeling lack of friends like him, decides to do a spell he learned with his Uncle Victor, and ended up bringing to the Castle, three children who had just left school. Free of loneliness, Nino receives the visit of the three daily.


The Traitors

The Traitors 2023


The Traitors - Murder at the Castle: A ruthless game of trust, fear, strategy, mental warfare, and total deception. The groundbreaking crime-reality’s nerve-wracking plot is co-written by life and the participants themselves, and like in any good crime story, the big and final truth will only be revealed on the last pages! 22 celebrities head to a Tudor-style castle to take part in a nerve-wracking challenge: they must survive a "series of murders" to win a grand prize of up to 20 million forints. The "murderers" are hiding among the players—they are the Traitors, who mercilessly kill their Innocent companions under the cover of night. The Innocents’ task is to expose the Traitors and, if they fall under suspicion, convince their companions of their own innocence.



Blandings 2013


Blandings is a British comedy television series adapted by Guy Andrews from the Blandings Castle stories of P.G. Wodehouse. It was first broadcast on BBC One from 13 January 2013, and stars Timothy Spall, Jennifer Saunders and Mark Williams. The series was produced with the partial financial assistance of the European Regional Development Fund.


Ronja the Robber's Daughter

Ronja the Robber's Daughter 2024


Loving, loyal and unafraid, the daughter of a wanted robber chief makes a secret friend in her father's magical and treacherous forest.


Secrets of the Castle

Secrets of the Castle 2014


How do you build a medieval castle from scratch? Domestic historian Ruth Goodman and archeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold make perhaps their most ambitious foray into the past as they head to France to take part in a build that has been underway since 1997. Our intrepid history adventurers join this magnificent construction at Guédelon Castle to recreate authentic medieval castle living from within its rising walls.


The Traitors

The Traitors 2022


Get them before they get you. 22 strangers, one castle, £120k - Claudia Winkleman hosts the ultimate reality game of trust and treachery. Let the mind games begin.


Ronja the Robber's Daughter

Ronja the Robber's Daughter 2014


Ronja is the only daughter of Mattis, a bandit leader who lives in a castle in the middle of a large forest. When Ronja grows old enough, she ventures into the forest to interact the strange and magical creatures that live there. She learns to live in the forest through her own strength, with the occasional rescue from her parents. Ronja's life begins to change, however, when she happens upon a boy her own age named Birk.


A Tale Dark & Grimm

A Tale Dark & Grimm 2021


Follow Hansel and Gretel as they walk out of their own story into a winding and wickedly witty tale full of strange — and scary — surprises.