
Redemption 2025


Jie, a former mercenary, has left behind his violent past, seeking a peaceful life in a small town. Living quietly and working at a local resort, he tries to bury the darkness from his old life. However, when someone close to him becomes entangled with a dangerous crime syndicate, Jie is reluctantly drawn back into a world he had hoped to escape forever. As he confronts the syndicate to protect those he cares about, Jie finds himself battling not only the criminals but also the shadows of his own past. The path to redemption becomes a high-stakes struggle where his skills are tested, and Jie soon discovers that escaping his past may not be as simple as leaving it behind.



我要做特務 2021


"I'm going to be a spy" takes a young girl who has hoped to be a spy since she was a child, but she meets a spy when she has a chance, so the girl asks to train herself to be a spy. And it involved a transaction related to biological and chemical weapons materials.


Special Forces

Special Forces 2016


With the recent crime rate, a group of people decided to form a neighborhood watch to patrol their small town. The people who formed the watch are mostly retirees, and are fans of action movies, always imagining themselves to be an action hero like their idol. Their chance to be a hero finally comes when a mysterious girl appear in their town to seek their help.