Planet 7693

Planet 7693 2024


Luka lives with his quite harmonious and pleasant family in a very interesting neighborhood in the suburbs. During a turbulent period, big misunderstandings and conflicts start to emerge within the family. Left alone, Luka immerses himself in fiction, trying to find a solution for all the problems. He meets a girl in an abandoned factory complex where he often spends his time practicing his “superpowers” and she begins to help Luka develop a plan to fix the now-endangered family relationships.



D-Iva 2021


When Iva was a little girl, she was a believer. As an adult, she added the D to her name to become D-Iva, a pure product of the star system. Offered to and adored by her trance-like audience as a modern golden calf, D-Iva realizes that her childhood dream has turned into a nightmare.



Mar 2022


During an epidemic, a young couple use their day off to take Mar on a day trip to canyon. Mar is girl's elder sister with ASD. Along the way, they will try to process the emotional situation they found themselves in. As their world collapses pressed by external influences and internal crises, Mar with them exists as a separate world. Her world is clean and horrible at the same time because it is unknown...