In Her City...

In Her City... 2019


Shot using handheld technique from digital camera and partially on smartphone, In Her City is a short film telling the story of love through the protagonist who is travelling from his home to Lucknow, India. He is on this journey in order to find his beloved. The short film is an ode to the narrator's beloved by drawing parallels between her and the city that she inhibits or inhibited at some point. In Her City romanticises Lucknow using Urdu as the language of narration. The entire film has been shot on real locations.


The Silent Scream

The Silent Scream 1970


Set in grey space, the film tells us the story of a young girl named Jahnvi sitting alone in a dark, single room carrying multiple thoughts about her beloved and her relationship with him. Her chain of thought breaks when her friend Aman enters the scene who is happy and eager, differing from her low and gloomy mood and silent state. Towards the end, Jahnvi finally breaks her silence, only to reveal the shocking truth of her relationship and society.