The Sixth Element: The Ross Clarke-Jones Story

The Sixth Element: The Ross Clarke-Jones Story 2006


Overview The Sixth Element By any standard, the life story of Ross Clarke-Jones qualifies as riveting. A daredevil ad extremis, Clarke-Jones learned to tackle and surmount some of the most mammoth waves on the face of the Earth. And that attitude fittingly mirrors the surfer's approach to life, colored and shaped by an insatiable restlessness and a hunger for new thrills. His drive transported him from one exotic corner of the world to another, Tasmania to the Amazon and everywhere in between. This documentary tells Clarke-Jones's amazing story, with insights from heavyweights including Jeff Bushman, Matt Hoy, Noah Johnson, Jamie Brisick, Kelly Slater and many others. The late Dennis Hopper narrates.


The Alpha-Bots Christmas

The Alpha-Bots Christmas 2004


One Christmas Eve, Santa announces that he's also going to give out twenty-six unique electronic toys! But the toys themselves can't wait until Christmas for the fun to begin - is staying up all night a good idea before such a big, special day?