Кралски афери

Кралски афери 2012


Млада кралица, която насила е омъжена за психично болен крал, тайно се влюбва в лекаря, който се грижи за съпруга й. От възникналата свада ще избухне кървава революция, която ще промени нацията завинаги.


Bright Future

Bright Future 2022


The story of county party secretary Mei Xiaoge and the reforms he and his colleagues introduce to bring about much-needed change and development to the lives of the people of Guangming County.


Love in Ordinary

Love in Ordinary 2024


Wan Jiaming, a community police officer with a scholarly background from Jiangnan, and Qu Xiaohe, a retired athlete assigned to work in a grassroots community, navigate the challenges of their new roles as they help transform a children's clothing town from a chaotic industrial hub into a harmonious, modern city where people live in peace.