Имало едно време: История за Пепеляшка

Имало едно време: История за Пепеляшка 1998


"Модерна" млада жена от XVI в., Даниел е толкова независима и разумна, колкото е и красива и мила. Дръзвайки да се възправи срещу тегнещите предразсъдъци, тя се противопоставя на своята тиранична мащеха Родмила. Бунтът й предизвиква чудеса в живота на всички около нея - дори и на младия принц на Франция, Анри.


Secret Healer

Secret Healer 2016


Seo-Ri's mother Queen Sim was unable to have a child. She went to a shaman to help her have a child. With the help of shaman Hong-Joo's black magic, Queen Sim was able to have a boy and girl twins. The girl, Seo-Ri, was put under a curse and abandoned deep in the mountains. She meets Heo Jun, a young man, there.


The Impossible 3

The Impossible 3 2020


Starring Chilam Cheung (張智霖), Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), and Chrissie Chau (周秀娜), The Impossible 3 follows three strangers who team up to combat danger coming in their way. In doing so, they get entangled in a series of mysterious cases. They find themselves to be the center of a manhunt involving both the cops and the triads.