Ключова дума Ball Culture
How Do I Look 2006
Кики 2016
С изключително интимен и визуално дръзък подход, ‘Кики’ ни разкрива едно неочаквано и безопасно пространство за “vogueing”, създадено и ръководено от цветнокожи LGBTQ млади хора, които не спират да изискват своето щастие и политическа сила. Една вълнуваща история за порастването, взаимопомощта, издръжливостта и силата на изкуството да променя света.
Pier Kids: The Life 2019
Fabulous 2019
POSE 2018
A dance musical that explores the juxtaposition of several segments of 1980s life and society in New York: the ball culture world, the rise of the luxury Trump-era universe and the downtown social and literary scene.
Legendary 2020
Pulling directly from the underground ballroom community, voguing teams (aka "houses") must compete in unbelievable balls and showcase sickening fashion in order to achieve "legendary" status.
My House 2018
Take a look into the world of New York's queer vogue ballroom scene. Follow the lives of 4 fabulous voguers and 1 incredible commentator as they prepare to compete, face personal challenges and strive to take their lives to the next level.