Няма място за старите кучета

Няма място за старите кучета 2007


Трилърът разказва за внезапно преобърнатия живот в малко крайгранично градче в Тексас през 1980 г. Жителите на тази изолирана земя живеят в мир и спокойствие през всичките години, през които шериф Бел се грижи за реда в нея. Необмислената и глупава постъпка на един от жителите на градчето обаче, ще привлече крайно нежеланото внимание на един от най-зловещите психопати, бродещи в отмиращия Див запад, и ще застраши живота на всички.


Перфектни дни

Перфектни дни 2023


Хираяма е доволен от живота си на чистач на тоалетни в Токио. Извън неговото подредено ежедневие, той се интересува от музика на касети, чете книги и прави снимки на дървета. Неочаквана среща му помага да открие красотата в света.


Перфектно чувство

Перфектно чувство 2011


Земята се сблъсква с небивало бедствие. В различни страни, на всички континенти, хората започват да губят сетивата си. Отначало обоняние и вкус, а след това слуха и всички останали. Майкъл и Сюзан считат връзката си за мимолетна, но когато става ясно, че светът неумолимо се приближава към своя край, героите разбират, че не могат да оцелеят един без друг. И какво ще остане, когато изчезнат и последните чувства?


Sweet Home

Sweet Home 2020


As humans turn into savage monsters and the world plunges into terror, a handful of survivors fight for their lives — and to hold on to their humanity.


The tiniest man in the world

The tiniest man in the world 2016


What would it be to be just 15 cm tall?... The answer is in each episode of The Tiniest Man, a formal and serious guy that is only a bit taller than the height of a shoe, that lives in the real world, in a real size house, using mostly normal size objects, ignoring its real condition. Along 53 episodes x 1 minute, The Tiniest Man faces daily tasks, like taking a bus, drinking coffee, going to the cinema, or planning holidays. Of course, everything becomes a big adventure to him. He will deal to solve his scale issues in very unusual ways, stressing the comedy and the wit of the series.


The Animal Trail

The Animal Trail 2006


Animal Trail, a natural path made by traffic of wild animals, can sometimes be helpful for people who are totally lost in the wilderness. One day, a woman who is exhausted with her hopeless life unexpectedly meets a gentleman by chance. Out of genuine hope to escape from her misery, she allows her destiny to blindly follow the mysterious instruction given by this stranger. Would this "Animal Trail" ultimately lead her to happiness, or would it lead her to disaster? The life of Tamiko (Yonekura) was miserable, as she had to give up her dream to become a jewelry designer and work for a Japanese style hotel "Hosenkaku" simply to support her physically handicapped husband. One day, Tamiko was approached by a mysterious gentleman Kotaki (Sato) who offers her a unique proposal, "would you be interested in riding a vehicle without a destination?" His words shook Tamiko's desperate soul wanting for a drastic change in her life. In order to free herself from the depressing reality, she cleverly kills her husband by setting her house on fire. Then, through Kotaki's introduction, she becomes acquainted with Kito, a political fixer, and decides to become Kito's mistress. Although she notices that her decision may not be right, she decides to follow her instincts and go for the "animal trail"….


The Human Animal

The Human Animal 1994


The Human Animal: A Personal View of the Human Species is a BBC nature documentary series written and presented by Desmond Morris, which focuses on the behaviour of homo sapiens, examining areas such as love and sex, baby rearing, the importance of urban habitat and the roots of our creativity.