Ключова дума Lawman
100 Rifles 1969
Les Misérables 1935
Ездачи в планината 1962
Застаряващият бивш шериф Стийв Джъд е нает от банката да превози пратка злато през опасна територия. Той наема свой стар партньор и младото му протеже за помощници. Стийв обаче не знае, че Гил и Хек планират да откраднат златото, със или без негова помощ...
Сладка вода 2013
Действието на историческата лента с Ед Харис и Дженюъри Джоунс се развива през 19-ти век, а в центъра на сюжета е младата Сара, която живее спокойно със своя испански съпруг Мигел. Но скоро идиличното им ежедневие е застрашено от садистичния собственик на ранчо Джосая, който хвърля око на тяхната земя. Уповавайки се на своята независимост Сара и Мигел удържат на набезите, но това само утежнява положението им. Не след дълго Мигел изчезва безследно и Сара започва сама да го издирва без да изпитва страх от враговете си. В неин партньор се превръща местния шериф Джаксън, но дори и с неговата помощ тя изпитва трудности в борбата си срещу жестокия Джосая. Истинските предизвикателства обаче тепърва предстоят и скоро Ню Мексико се превръща в арена на безмилостни и кървави битки.
Дестри отново на седлото 1939
В градчето Ботълнек вилнее банда, която обира местните жители. Шерифът, опитващ се да ги спре, бива бързо убит. И ето, в това малко, затънтено градче се появява странен младеж на име Том Дестри, който възнамерява за рекордно кратко време и без нито един изстрел да изкорени престъпността. Той е учтив, умен и красив и ще се изправи сам срещу целият град, за да въдвори законност и ред…
You Know My Name 1999
Phantom Ranger 1938
His Brother's Ghost 1945
Riders of the Dawn 1937
Trigger Smith 1939
Lawman 1958
Lawman is an American western television series originally telecast on ABC from 1958 to 1962 starring John Russell as Marshal Dan Troop and featuring Peter Brown as Deputy Marshal Johnny McKay. The series was set in Laramie, Wyoming during 1879 and the 1880s. Warner Bros. already had several western series on the air at the time, having launched Cheyenne with Clint Walker as early as 1955. The studio continued the trend in 1957 with the additions of Maverick with James Garner and Jack Kelly, Colt .45 with Wayde Preston, and Sugarfoot with Will Hutchins. One year later, Warner Bros. added Lawman and Bronco with Ty Hardin. Prior to the beginning of production, Russell and Brown and producer Jules Schermer made a pact to maintain the quality of the series so that it would not be seen as "just another western." At the start of season two, Russell and Brown were joined by Peggie Castle as Lily Merrill, the owner of the Birdcage Saloon, and a love interest for Dan.
The Huckleberry Hound Show 1958
The Huckleberry Hound Show is a 1958 syndicated animated series and the second from Hanna-Barbera following The Ruff & Reddy Show, sponsored by Kellogg's. Three segments were included in the program: one featuring Huckleberry Hound; another starring Yogi Bear and his sidekick Boo Boo; and a third with Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks, two mice who in each short found a new way to outwit the cat Mr. Jinks.
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp 1955
The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp is a television western series loosely based on the life of frontier marshal Wyatt Earp. The half-hour black-and-white program aired for 229 episodes on ABC from 1955 to 1961 and featured Hugh O'Brian in the title role.
Viper 1994
Viper is an action-adventure TV series about a special task force set up by the federal government to fight crime in the fictional city of Metro City, California that is perpetually under siege from one crime wave after another. The weapon used by this task force is an assault vehicle that masquerades as a Dodge Viper RT/10 roadster and coupe. The series takes place in "the near future". The primary brand of vehicles driven in the show were Chrysler or subsidiary companies. The Viper Defender "star car" was designed by Chrysler Corporation engineers. The exterior design of the car was produced by Chrysler stylist Steve Ferrerio.
Justified 2010
A character drama based on the 2001 Elmore Leonard short story "Fire in the Hole." Leonard's tale centers around U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens of Kentucky, a quiet but strong-willed official of the law. The tale covers his high-stakes job, as well as his strained relationships with his ex-wife and father.
Quick Draw McGraw 1959
The Quick Draw McGraw Show is the third cartoon television production created by Hanna-Barbera, starring an anthropomorphic cartoon horse named Quick Draw McGraw
Posse Impossible 1977
The Boys of Twilight 1992
The Boys of Twilight is an American televisions series that aired on CBS in 1992. The series follows the adventures of two aging lawmen who attemps to maintain order in Twilight, Utah.