Ключова дума Kid Detectives
Коледна мистерия 2022
Преди век момче намира част от вълшебните звънчета на Дядо Коледа, което носи мир и благоденствие на родното му градче впродължение на столетие. Звънчетата обаче изчезват и група храбри хлапета трябва да разбули мистерията и да върне коледната магия в Шелтър Бей
Way Down Cellar 1968
Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok 2003
Loki, the Norse god of mischief, has been exiled to the human world for what was apparently was a bad joke. Along with being exiled, he’s forced to take the form of a child. He’s told the only way he can get back to the world of the gods is if he can collect auras of evil that take over human hearts, and so to do this he runs a detective agency. Loki is soon joined by a human girl named Mayura who is a maniac for mysteries, and she soon helps out in her own way. However, soon other Norse gods begin to appear, and most have the intent to assassinate Loki for reasons unclear.
Mystery League 2023
Three fifth grade "detectives" - Millie, Mike and Marta - as they solve the never-ending mysteries of the fictional, small, Arkansas town of Mulberry Springs.