Тънка червена линия

Тънка червена линия 1998


Епичният военен филм на Терънс Малик потапя зрителя в напрежението, изпитано и видяно през очите на обикновения войник по време на мащабната военна офанзива при Гуадалканал по времето на Втората световна война. Изпъстрен с философски мотиви и насилие, контрастиращо на величието на природата, заобикаляща го. Режисьорът напомня за същността на човешкото саморазрушение и как между красотата, безумието и болката винаги има една тънка червена линия. Филмът остава недооценен от Американската филмова академия, а за много зрители се превръща в един от най-драматичните военни разкази на големия екран.


Hitler: The Rise of Evil

Hitler: The Rise of Evil 2003


This biopic profiles history's most spectacular madman, tracing his journey from humble roots to complete mastery of Germany.


The Sorrow and the Pity

The Sorrow and the Pity 1969


An investigation into the nature, details and reasons for the collaboration, from 1940 to 1944, during World War II, between the Vichy regime, established in the south of France and headed by Marshal Pétain, and Nazi Germany.



Shoah 1985


Director Claude Lanzmann spent 11 years on this sprawling documentary about the Holocaust, conducting his own interviews and refusing to use a single frame of archival footage. This epic documentary changed the way we think about the Holocaust. Featuring interviews with survivors, bystanders, and perpetrators from across Europe, mostly Poland and Germany, Shoah is drawn from over 300 hours of contemporary conversations with these witnesses, along with footage of overgrown sites of unspeakable horrors, including the concentration camp at Auschwitz. The monumental film grew out of Lanzmann's concern that the genocide perpetrated only 40 years earlier was already being forgotten. In response, he relied entirely on accounts from witnesses, rather than historical footage or reenactments, sometimes resorting to hidden cameras or other deceptions to coax stories and memories from those with whom he spoke.