Тихото семейство

Тихото семейство 1998


Голямо семейство закупува отдалечена хижа в туристически район и я превръща в хотел. Но късмета им не трае дълго, тъй като първия клиент се самоубива само няколко минути след като се е нанесъл в стаята си. За да си спестят лошата реклама и полицейското разследване, обърканите членове на семейството заравят тялото в близост до хотела и продължават работата си все едно нищо не се е случило. Това обаче е само началото на сложна верига от събития, която включва още трупове на техни клиенти.


Welcome to Waikiki

Welcome to Waikiki 2018


Kang Dong-Goo dreams of becoming a movie director, but he is cynical due to bad luck. Cheon Joon-Ki wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and become an actor, but he is now just a minor actor. Bong-Doo-Sik came to Seoul to become a scenario writer, but things have not been easy for him.


Hyori's Bed and Breakfast

Hyori's Bed and Breakfast 2017


The famous diva, Lee Hyo-ri, has been taking a long hiatus from the spotlight and enjoying her life in the suburbs of Jeju Island with her husband. The couple has decided to open up their home as a Bed and Breakfast to various people to offer them a time of healing and rest from their busy lives.


Youn Stay

Youn Stay 2021


A spin-off of “Youn’s Kitchen,” the upcoming reality program is set in a traditional Korean guesthouse in South Jeolla Province. It features the cast welcoming guests who are in Korea on business or for their studies but have not been able to fully experience the food and culture due to COVID-19 restrictions.