Keith Sanborn Palace of Error 365 Day Project Emma's Dilemma The Genius The Deadman Operation Double Trouble Operation Double Trouble Operation Double Trouble The Vision Machine Semi-private sub-Hegelian Panty Fantasy (with sound) Something is Seen But One Doesn't Know What The Zapruder Footage: An Investigation of Consensual Hallucination The Zapruder Footage: An Investigation of Consensual Hallucination Mirror The Genius Fascination A Public Appearance and a Statement Kapital Man with a Movie Camera (Blonde; He Appears to Be Young) Imitation of Life The Artwork in the Age of its Mechanical Reproducibility by Walter Benjamin as told to Keith Sanborn The Gift The Force of Beauty, The Beauty of Force For the Birds One Minute for Jonas on the Day of His Occultation Slow Death Terrain Negative Capability Joan's Studio Dreadful Penny Dreadful Energy of Delusion 1970 or the Collapse of History in the Hysterical Sublime