Robert Anderson The Phantom Stagecoach Two of a Kind Револвер в лявата ръка Silver City Joy Ride Young Billy Young The Man Who Died Twice The Good Guys and the Bad Guys Undertow Дивият Stagecoach to Dancers' Rock Cripple Creek Period of Adjustment Bright Victory Rose Marie Напрежение Toy Tiger Уинчестър Подкрепете местния шериф Buchanan Rides Alone Peggy The Desert Hawk Untamed Frontier Gold Strike The Gambler Wore a Gun All Ashore The Crowning Experience The Night Runner The Purple Gang Wichita Showdown at Abilene High School Hellcats Being and Nothingness Нетърпимост Tales of Wells Fargo Издирва се: Жив или мъртъв The Court of Last Resort The Mothers-in-Law Пушечен дим Death Valley Days Have Gun, Will Travel