Joe Conley Mother's Day on Waltons Mountain A Day for Thanks on Waltons Mountain The Case of Patty Smith Blueprint for Robbery Juvenile Jungle When Hell Broke Loose Impure Thoughts A Wedding on Waltons Mountain 80 Steps to Jonah All Hands on Deck A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion Crime of Passion Корабокрушенецът A Nice Little Bank That Should Be Robbed A Walton Wedding Mister Ed The Brady Bunch Среднощен eздач The Beverly Hillbillies Dragnet Пушечен дим Ласи The Waltons Felony Squad Dennis the Menace Richard Diamond, Private Detective The Adventures of Jim Bowie Bracken's World Издирва се: Жив или мъртъв The Carol Channing Show Richard Diamond, Private Detective Dennis the Menace Mister Ed Alfred Hitchcock Presents Stagecoach West Dinah! Green Acres