Jack Larson The Movie Orgy The True Adventures of Raoul Walsh Flame of Youth Fighting Coast Guard Starlift Trial Without Jury Belles on Their Toes Montgomery Clift: The Hidden Star Супермен се завръща Stamp Day for Superman Johnny Trouble Kid Monk Baroni The Young Swingers Battle Zone A Wonderful Life Redwood Forest Trail Fighter Squadron Three Sailors and a Girl Star of Texas Superman's 50th Anniversary: A Celebration of the Man of Steel Hitchcock's Confession: A Look at I Confess James Dean: The First American Teenager Вижте, горе в небето: Невероятната история на Супермен The China Syndrome: A Fusion of Talent The China Syndrome: Creating a Controversy Making Montgomery Clift Montgomery Clift The Baby Maker Perfect Светлините на големия град Mike's Murder Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. Лоис и Кларк: Новите приключения на Супермен The Millionaire Adventures of Superman Navy Log Superboy Закон и ред: Ню Йорк The Dick Van Dyke Show