Ilya Salkind Supergirl: The Making of the Movie The Making of 'Superman III' Le rouble à deux faces The Making of 'Superman: The Movie' The Making of 'Superman II' Вижте, горе в небето: Невероятната история на Супермен Santa Claus: The Making of the Movie Тайният произход: Историята на "ДС Комикс" You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman Christopher Reeve : Le Superman Éternel Best Christmas Movies Ever! Супермен The Four Musketeers The Four Musketeers Супермен 3 Folies bourgeoises Супермен 2 Planet Gliese Young Alexander the Great Санта Клаус The Making of 'Superman: The Movie' Bluebeard The Making of 'Superman II' The Making of 'Superman III' Супергърл The Prince and the Pauper The Three Musketeers The Light at the Edge of the World Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut Christopher Columbus: The Discovery