James Ivory Only in Theaters E. M. Forster: His Longest Journey Rich Atmosphere: The Music of Merchant Ivory Films Merchant Ivory Hannibal Hopkins et Sir Anthony James Ivory Remembers Ismail Merchant A Tribute To Ismail Merchant Brutta Figura A Cooler Climate Ink & Ivory James Ivory: In Search of Love and Beauty The Wandering Company Love & Loyalty: The Making of 'The Remains of the Day' Zefirino: The Voice of a Castrato And the Oscar Goes To... Blind Loyalty, Hollow Honor: England's Fatal Flaw The Remains of the Day: The Filmmaker's Journey Leçon de cinéma avec James Ivory Остатъците от деня Стая с изглед Имението "Хауърдс Енд" Морис Развод по френски Бостънци Surviving Picasso Европейците Златният бокал Градът - крайна цел Merchant Ivory Quartet Прах и зной Бялата графиня Slaves of New York Bombay Talkie Bombay Talkie A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries Джеферсън в Париж Savages Shakespeare-Wallah Mr. & Mrs. Bridge The Guru The Wild Party Roseland The Delhi Way Hullabaloo Over Georgie and Bonnie's Pictures Adventures of a Brown Man in Search of Civilization Jane Austen in Manhattan The Sword and the Flute Autobiography of a Princess Chinese Laundry A Cooler Climate Люмиер и приятели Brutta Figura A Cooler Climate American Marriage American Marriage The Householder The Courtesans of Bombay The Delhi Way The Delhi Way The Delhi Way The Delhi Way Shakespeare-Wallah Savages Развод по френски Назови ме с твоето име Venice: Theme and Variations Назови ме с твоето име The Sword and the Flute The Sword and the Flute Helen, Queen of the Nautch Girls The Sword and the Flute Морис Adventures of a Brown Man in Search of Civilization The Guru Venice: Theme and Variations Venice: Theme and Variations Venice: Theme and Variations Richard II Записките на Аспърн The Householder William: The Life, Works and Times of William Shakespeare Quartet The Five Forty-Eight Mrs. Dalloway Zefirino: The Voice of a Castrato The Way It Was: Paris Restaurants in the 1970s Изгубената Аркадия Andorra Noon Wine Roselli’s Way Leçon de Cinéma The Oscars The Oscars