Teddy Wilson Maid to Order Примамката Cleopatra Jones Обвързан с честта Kiss Shot Genuine Risk The River Niger Malice in Wonderland Lindsay Wagner: Another Side of Me Училище за стюардеси The Vagrant Артистична Бъркотия Weekend Pass The Greatest Rendezvous Hotel The Oklahoma City Dolls That's Life! Животът е гаден Black Eye Big Trouble Ловецът Newman's Law Loose Shoes The Ambush Murders La Classe américaine Devil's Express Run for the Roses The Love Boat What's Happening Now!! Good Times L.A. Law The Golden Girls What's Happening!! Специален агент Доктор Дъги Хаузър All in the Family 227 Beauty and the Beast The Jeffersons Mama's Family Baretta Sanford and Son Квантов ускорител Семейни връзки Коджак Cagney & Lacey Alien Nation The Waltons Crazy like a Fox Roll Out The White Shadow Police Story The Paul Lynde Show Good Heavens Annie McGuire M*A*S*H 13 Queens Boulevard Sanford Arms Квантов ускорител Gimme a Break! Crazy like a Fox Tales from the Crypt That's My Mama Криле Police Woman The Golden Girls Police Woman