
Serpico 1973


Anys 70. Relat biogràfic sobre Frank Serpico, un policia íntegre, de principis incorruptibles que, a diferència dels seus col·legues, mai no es va deixar subornar i, precisament per això, sempre va tenir problemes amb els seus companys de professió i es va veure exposat a situacions molt perilloses .


The Cops

The Cops 2021


Alon Shenhav, an outstanding detective officer who grow up in Nahariya and moved to Tel Aviv-Yafo, is asked to return to his hometown and serve as a detective officer for a year. Upon his return, he discovers that Maor Ezra runs a local crime organization that is terrorising in the city. Alon understands that in order to take Ezra down, he must first restore the public status of the police in the city.