Ed McGuckin Over The Top Wrestling Presents Scrappermania 3 DGUSA Enter The Dragon DGUSA Untouchable 2009 ROH: Take No Prisoners Chikara King Of Trios 2009 - Night 2 ROH: Bedlam In Beantown ROH: Return Engagement ROH: Tag Wars Interspecies Wrestling presnts Boner Jam IV TNA Destination X 2012 TNA Destination X 2013 CHIKARA A World Of Comforting Illusions CHIKARA The Mint Condition CHIKARA Wit, Verve and a Bit O' Nerve PWG: Use Your Illusion IV Dragon Gate USA: Enter the Dragon 2013 Dragon Gate USA: Freedom Fight ROH: Unity ROH: Death Before Dishonor VI EVOLVE 19 EVOLVE 66 EVOLVE 23 ROH: Night of The Butcher II EVOLVE 10 - A Tribute To The Arena EVOLVE 17 EVOLVE 2: Hero vs. Hidaka EVOLVE 4: Danielson vs. Fish EVOLVE 7: Aries vs. Moxley Dragon Gate USA: Open the Historic Gate Dragon Gate USA: Open the Untouchable Gate Dragon Gate USA: Open the Freedom Gate Dragon Gate USA: Fearless Dragon Gate USA: Open the Ultimate Gate Dragon Gate USA: Mercury Rising Dragon Gate USA: Open The Northern Gate Dragon Gate USA: Uprising ROH: Good Times, Great Memories Becoming the Best in the World: Bryan Danielson Kevin Steen: Ascension to the Top CHIKARA King Of Trios 2011 - Night 3 CHIKARA: King of Trios - Night Three CHIKARA The Dark Ciberknetico CHIKARA Klunk in Love DGUSA Bushido: Code of the Warrior 2013 TNA One Night Only: X-Travaganza 2 Dragon Gate USA Enter The Dragon 2013: Fourth Anniversary Celebration Dragon Gate USA Enter the Dragon 2010 Dragon Gate USA United: NYC TNA One Night Only X-Travaganza 2013 CHIKARA You Only Live Twice CHIKARA Goldfinger CHIKARA Small But Mighty CHIKARA Through Savage Progress Cuts the Jungle Line Dragon Gate USA United: Philly Dragon Gate USA Open the Ultimate Gate 2013 CHIKARA: Caught In The Spider's Den CHIKARA The Germans CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix 2005 - Night 1 CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix 2005 - Night 3 CHIKARA I'll Be a Mummy's Uncle CHIKARA If the Airplane is Snowed in, Put your Bloody Skis on and Get Going! Chikara: Showdown in CrisisLand Chikara: Maximum Overdraft CHIKARA: Chikarasaurus Rex - How to Hatch a Dinosaur Chikara: The International Invasion of the International Invaders CHIKARA King of Trios 2010 - Night 3 ROH: Transform ROH: Injustice EVOLVE 24 Chikara: Rey de Voladores Chikara: Aniversario CHIKARA Tag World Grand Prix 2003 One Night Only: GFW Amped Anthology