BBVA Foundation
Mater Amatisima 2017
Given the fetishizing and normalizing character that is given to motherhood in patriarchy in order to perpetuate the social order, do we truly choose to be mothers? Why is care, of fundamental vital labor, presupposed as an especially appropriate task for women?
Esther Ferrer: Threads of Time 2020
The definitive documentary that reviews the enormous career of Esther Ferrer, one of the great Spanish creators in the performance genre. A "hybrid" between the documentary and the discipline of performance itself, between recording and creation, which uses elements and techniques typical of the cinematographic genre on which animation and self-created elements are superimposed.
La España Profunda (de Ortega y Gasset a Rocío Jurado) 2018
A reflection on memory from the work by Juan de Ávalos, the sculptor responsible for the Valle de los Caídos.