Ahmed lqran 2009
An amazigh film tells a story of Ahmed a smart poor guy who use his tricks to make his living
An amazigh film tells a story of Ahmed a smart poor guy who use his tricks to make his living
The story of a man whose brother dies and tries to steal his inheritance and deprive his brother's wife and daughter from it ( an amazigh film)
An amazigh film , Anir and Rabia have been in a relationship for a long time , After they got married things got worse for Rabia
An amazigh film about a wise old woman tells her story
Its events revolve around two families who live side by side in one of the douars. Yet they have long maintained an intense relationship of enmity. However, fate wanted to create a strong romantic relationship between the only sons of these two families ( an amazigh film)
An amazigh film about lhousine returns to his brother and his village which he built his new home after he spent half of his life in the city , But things don't go will as he expected
An amazigh film about two people go to Small village to buy an old bottle for a lot of money, people of the village decide to search for the bottle
The film tells the story of a small village that experiences strange events during the night, when a monster comes out and eats chickens and cattle. The inhabitants of the village recruit for the guard and discover the secret of the creature which leaves the traces of a camel.
An amazigh film about lbachir , has two sons lmahjob and brik , He decided to give his property to his sons before he dies , After a while his sons treat him badly