The Story of Grand Canyon National Park

The Story of Grand Canyon National Park 1991


Two thousand square miles, a mile deep, approximately 10 miles wide- no geological feature on earth evokes a wider spectrum of human emotions than does the Grand Canyon of Arizona. It is impossible not to be profoundly moved when confronting such immensity. But it is more than a chasm, it is alive with mule deer, mountain lions, coyotes, bighorn sheep, wild turkeys, blue grouse, blue heron, desert tortoises, and the rare kaibab squirrel, found only in the Grand Canyon. Long before the Spanish arrived, the Anasazi (Ancient Ones) lived here. Included is an exclusive segment, never before filmed, of Shaman's Gallery, a significant Anasazi find of rock paintings in the Grand Canyon area, dating between 2000 B.C., and A.D 1. Established in 1908, Theodore Roosevelt proclaimed the Grand Canyon a parkland and said "do nothing to mar its grandeur, keep it for your children, your children's children, and all who will come after you."


Seasons of the Otter

Seasons of the Otter 2010


Otters are so proficient at capturing the fish they live on, that they have lots of time left over for play. And they seem to play with reckless abandon, sliding down steep canyons in deep snow, swimming under the ice in Yellowstone Lake. They submerge us into the lake to find strange underwater spires only recently discovered by man. Other creatures sometimes survive bitter winter seasons by stealing fish from the otter. Actually, they're pretty good at defending themselves, and this program catches some astonishing action between them, coyotes, eagles, beaver, even an occasional grizzly bear.