The Unpredictable Factor

The Unpredictable Factor 2022


In today's climate debate, there is only one factor that cannot be calculated in climate models - humans. How can we nevertheless understand our role in the climate system and manage the crisis? Climate change is a complex global problem. Increasingly extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and more difficult living conditions - including for us humans - are already the order of the day. Global society has never faced such a complex challenge. For young people in particular, the frightening climate scenarios will be a reality in the future. For the global south, it is already today. To overcome this crisis, different perspectives are needed. "THE UNPREDICTABLE FACTOR" goes back to the origins of the German environmental movement, accompanies today's activists in the Rhineland in their fight against the coal industry and gives a voice to scientists from climate research, ethnology and psychology.


DARIO - How To Not Change The World

DARIO - How To Not Change The World 2025


At Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, a man jumps over a barrier. Within seconds, five police officers catch him and push him to the ground. He laughs loudly. Evidently, this is exactly what he was aiming for. Dario is disappointed with current climate policies and sees only one solution: strike out and resist. His resistance has already led to several outstanding criminal proceedings against him in Germany. A request from Switzerland comes at just the right moment to prove himself further: the activist group “Klimastreik” is looking for someone who is willing to commit a “crime”.





A young film crew searches for ways out of the climate crisis. In different cities they meet people who commit their lives to preserving our environment in different ways. In inspiring conversations they talk about their thoughts, motivation and hope and why we have to break out of our comfort zone. 8 protagonists try to reach out for solutions for climate justice in our future and open up perspectives of hope.