Decaf & Cigarettes 2023
A vignette in which two friends, both actresses, meet in a bar to have a nice time together. They are not very nice though.
A vignette in which two friends, both actresses, meet in a bar to have a nice time together. They are not very nice though.
The powers of love are always at work. But when they do so in an ancient southern Italian town at sunset, they seem just a little more magical.
Living in a small rural town, with little available emotional help around her, a young woman returns for a visit to her therapist. She finally receives a profoundly symbolic message, guiding her to find answers and solutions while living in a toxic relationship.
Relaxing by the sea, a couple discusses the true meaning of dreams. The spiritually minded of the two argues that dreams are more real than reality itself, her partner argues the opposite. When they bet on it, things start to get haywire.
Showing up late for a dinner date is awkward. But what if awkward is just the starters?