Coração Tambor

Coração Tambor 2012


Daily life of Belo Horizonte drummer Esdra Ferreira, known as Nenêm. The film goes behind the scenes of the recordings, observing the creative process between longtime friends: Toninho Horta, Mauro Rodrigues and Juarez Moreira, among other musicians.



Ãgtux 2005


The Maxakali possess a remarkable plastic and sound refinement revealed in drawings, paintings, clothes, songs and poems. These people have hundreds of years of history. He populated a vast territory, which he traveled nomadicly, from the interior of Minas Gerais and Bahia, to the Atlantic. Today, the Maxakali Indians number around 1,200 people who live in Minas Gerais, in a small territory, between the cities of Santa Helena and Bertópolis. They live under a shadow of poverty widely publicized in newspapers and on television. The film searches for what is missing in the news: the richness of its graphics, its language, its everyday life. Ãgtux means “telling stories”


Minas de Todo Delírio

Minas de Todo Delírio 1970


The film tells the story of the unlikely couple formed by Chica da Silva, who was born a slave, and the diamond magnate, João Fernandes de Oliveira.


The Son of a Bitch

The Son of a Bitch 1970


The quiet city of Veredas is home to Casa Rosa, a famous brothel in the backlands of Minas Gerais managed by Ismael's mother, known to everyone as O Filho da Puta. Tired of his life, the young man leaves with his dog towards the coast in search of the father he never knew. Along the way, he finds himself faced with situations that, at the same time as they transform him, insist on reminding him of the fate he is fleeing.


Balançando na Gangorra

Balançando na Gangorra 1992


Ultimately, love is always greed. Narcissus and his love could not escape this. The night is dark and mirrors no longer have inverses or rights.



Nimuendajú 1970


Curt Nimuendajú is a German ethnologist who lived in Brazil from 1903 until his death. In addition to having studied and defended the rights of about 50 indigenous peoples, he lived as one of them in each tribe. Nimuendajú died in 1945, in the Amazon, under unknown circumstances.