
Evoluce 2001


Jedné noci dopadne do arizonské pouště meteorit. Zničí auto nic netušícímu požárníkovi Wayneovi, vyhloubí obrovský kráter a propadne do jeskynního sytému, který vede až ke Grand Canyonu. Místní vysokoškolský učitel Ira Caine a jeho kamarád, geolog a sportovní trenér Harry Block jsou vysláni na místo zásahu, aby odebrali vzorky. Zdánlivě rutinní výzkum však přinese objev hodný Nobelovy ceny. Meteorit obsahuje zárodky vesmírných organismů. Evoluce, která by ve vesmíru trvala desítky tisíc let, probíhá na Zemi neuvěřitelnou rychlostí. V malém městečku v Arizoně se začínají objevovat podivuhodní tvorové, kteří se velmi rychle přizpůsobují životu na Zemi. To už se do výzkumu vložila armáda. Na armádní výzkum nemá Ira právě nejlepší vzpomínky. Díky neúspěchu v průběhu jednoho takového výzkumu se k armádním pracovištím nesmí ani přiblížit a generál Woodman, který vede práce v Arizoně, ho upřímně nenávidí.


Wake Up

Wake Up 2020


Žena je nucena znovu objevit své lidství ve stále více digitálnějším světě.


Česká reklama: Úsvit kapitalismu

Česká reklama: Úsvit kapitalismu 2019


Jak se Češi naučili mít rádi televizní reklamu. Na bláznivá devadesátá léta, kdy se reklamní spoty staly novým fenoménem české společnosti, vzpomínají jejich režiséři, tvůrci, kreativci a zadavatelé.


A Free Meal Chance. May Pepsi Treat You?

A Free Meal Chance. May Pepsi Treat You? 2023


Gemini-Fourth invite you to open a party and eat for free for the whole table! with the program 'Win delicious food for free Pepsi, can I have a treat?'


American Suburbia

American Suburbia 2005


Witness a fascinating account of a nation's efforts to become progressive and prosperous.


Seven First Kisses

Seven First Kisses 2016


Min Soo Jin meets a goddess who allows her to choose one guy among seven as her first kiss.


With Coffee

With Coffee 2018


The web drama sponsored by La Marzocco Korea is a drama about love stories such as sweet and sour coffee, which was the most intense and special summer romance between a 26 years old job-seeker couple Ha Min and So Myung.



U-Turn 2008


Ji Sub is coming back home after unsuccesfull audition. Sudden sound makes him stop his car. When he's looking into his trunk he discovers young woman, Yeon Hee, who doesn't remember anything about herself. Who is that girl and why did she appeared in front of Ji Sub?


Walk to Kwangya

Walk to Kwangya 2022


The following web drama borrows settings and names from SMCU:aespa Universe.


Little Big World

Little Big World 2022


Together, hosts Pond and Phuwin travel Thailand trying new things.


Last Kiss

Last Kiss 2015


Four years ago, Manatsu, who wants to become a photographer, and Fuyuki, who wants to become a hairdresser, were boyfriends who attended the same technical school of beauty. The two of them had promised to marry but... After some misunderstandings, they ended up having a sad separation. After 4 years, the two meet again, and the last kiss of love that Manatsu came carrying in the heart is...


Magic of Zero

Magic of Zero 2022


"Magic of Zero" is a short anthology series that tells three stories. In "Zero Photography" Ink and Pa of "Bad Buddy" have been together for a long time and Pa no longer wants to be photographed by her girlfriend. Somehow, Pa ends up time-travelling back to high school when Ink secretly took Pa's photograph for the first time. In "Zero in the Moonlight," Maki is a graphic designer who's afraid of all things round. She has to work with Fong, a new designer many girls have their eye on. Fong likes to wear round glasses, though, so Maki is constantly avoiding his eyes. In "Zero Supporter" Korn of "Cupid's Last Wish" wants to open a bakery in Bangkok and Win decides to leave the farm to support him. But in the midst of the chaos of their new project, some of the sweetness they had for each other goes missing. The two fight and an accident causes them to swap bodies.


Line Romance

Line Romance 2014


Min Ho, a music producer who is struggling to write a new song because of the lack of inspiration. He is told by his manger that he has to find love so he would have emotions to write a new melody. He then meets a Chinese tourist named Ling Ling. Min Ho is inspired by Ling Ling but due to their language barrier he decides to adds her as a friend onthe mobile messenger app LINE to communicate with one another.


Ragnastrike Angels

Ragnastrike Angels 2016


In the near future, massive hostile beings called "Fiarem" are waging war on Earth. To defend the world from this alien threat, Japan unleashes a special team known as "Ragna Strikers"—six young women wielding advanced weaponry and the ability to grow to gigantic sizes. Ragnastrike Angels follows Ayano Anemori and her friends as they live their daily lives and battle the violent Fiarem.


Cornetto Love Expert

Cornetto Love Expert 2020


Consists of three different love stories made to promote Cornetto Ice Cream.



i STORIES 2018


i STORIES tells the separate tales of a transgender woman, a bisexual woman, a gay man, and a lesbian, who all share the name "i."


Ruby Ruby Love

Ruby Ruby Love 2017


Lee Ruby, a young woman who suffers from sociophobia, comes across a magical ring that helps her grow into a jewelry designer.



Skinship 2020


A turbulent love story taking place in a hospital that specializes in skincare Their romantic relationship occurred because of an accident when Win, a handsome and chic young man, has to fall in love with a sly sassy girl like Beauty, a young girl with a degree in online game streaming. Beauty also has a friend name Minnie. Along with this cute young couple, there is also a rejuvenating couple when a young man like James, a doctor's assistant, has to take care of Teenoi, a high school boy who is the young brother of Beauty.


The One & Only

The One & Only 2011


Our hero suddenly rises from a coma. He has no idea who or where he is. All he has are the keys to his 2012 Toyota Camry. When he gets inside, something triggers a flood of images from his past. Then, when he uses the Camry's Entune system, a key memory sets him on his journey.


Summer Love

Summer Love 2015


Two young people who have been friends for a long time spend their time together.