Klíčové slovo Youths
あの群青の向こうへ 2020
Mladí dobyvatelé vzduchu 1950
Snímek o výchově leteckého dorostu, která využívá přirozeného zájmu mládeže o letectví a vede ji přes modelářské kroužky a bezmotorové létání až k létání na motorových letadlech.
灰色の壁 ─大宮ノトーリアス─ 2022
JKエレジー 2019
여담들 2020
Dear Thirteen 2022
Becoming 13 2006
Největší přání 2012
Hrdinové dokumentu jsou po čtyřiceti letech komunismu první dospělou generací, která se utvářela ve svobodné společnosti. Mladé lidi zamýšlející se nad zdánlivě banální otázkou „Jaké je tvoje největší přání?“ natáčela režisérka ve školách, věznicích, na demonstracích, ve městě i na venkově.
アルプススタンドのはしの方 2020
La Nuit dernière 2022
Největší přání 1964
Dokument o snech a přáních mladé generace. Mladým lidem je v nejrúznějším prostředí – v internátě, v kavárně, na tanečním parketu, na ulici – kladena otázka "jaké je tvé největší přání"
SK8 the Infinity 2021
"S" is a dangerous, top secret, no-holds-barred downhill skateboarding race down an abandoned mine. When avid skateboarder Reki takes Langa to the mountain where "S" is held, Langa, who's never been on a skateboard in his life, finds himself sucked into the world of "S", and…?!
36,000 Seconds in a Day 2022
Nishina, Maya, Shiro, and Aoi are four good friends in their second year of high school with good looks but disappointing personalities. The four who decided that they will never fall in love, formed their own club, known as the "Muda-bu" (Useless Club), which focuses on researching silly themes and uploading them on social media. One day, they decided to do an experiment from a manga that says, "If you run with a piece of bread in your mouth and bump into someone, you will fall in love". While trying to conduct the experiment, they accidentally bumped into someone while having a piece of bread in the mouth.
Police University 2021
A young hacker who has never wanted anything out of life goes to a police academy to figure himself out — and help a cop take down a gambling ring.
Dear.M 2022
Campus life at Seoyeon University has always been relatively peaceful, but when an anonymous post pops up on the school’s online community, the entire campus is flipped upside down.
On Children 2018
Adapted from the novel by author Wu Hsiao-Le, the series consists of five independent stories about parenting, as well as children's pressures of growing up, when faced with the tragic consequences of social pressure, parental oppression and family dysfunction. Each story is told in two parts in this ten-part series.
Love or Bread 2008
Love or Bread is a 2008 Taiwanese drama starring Joe Cheng and Ariel Lin. It was produced by Gala Television and driected by Lin He Long. This marks the third drama that Cheng and Lin have co-starred together, after It Started With a Kiss in 2005 and its sequel They Kiss Again in 2007. It was first broadcast in Taiwan on free-to-air China Television from 16 November 2008 to 8 February 2009, every Sunday at 22:00 and cable TV GTV Variety Show/CH 28 on 22 November 2008 to 14 February 2009, every Saturday at 21:30.
Internatet 2005
Internatet was a Norwegian reality TV series that aired on TVNorge. The premiere was on September 14, 2005 and has aired 1 season.