Terri Treas Odpoutaný Frankenstein Lebkouni III: Temná budoucnost Ladykiller The Terror Within Yankee Zulu Deathstalker III – Nájezdníci z pekla Hněv a čest All That Jazz House IV Alien Nation The Nest Headin' for Broadway Lebkouni: Nedotknutelní Lebkouni V: Tisíciletí Black Widows Báječní Bakerovi hoši Little Miss Millions Nightmare on the 13th Floor Je to fajn Alien Nation: Body and Soul Lebkouni: Dědictví Udary Nejlepší bordýlek v Texasu Home Deadly Home: The Making of "House IV" Something in Common Play Nice Snapdragon Play Nice A-Team Matlock Simon & Simon Knight Rider Roseanne Murphy Brown Jake a tlusťoch Alien Nation Crazy like a Fox Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Heart of the City DEA Crazy like a Fox Crazy like a Fox