John W. Mitchell Most přes řeku Kwai Srdečné pozdravy z Ruska All Coppers Are... Appointment with Venus Špión, který přišel z chladu The Perfect Woman The Iron Petticoat Call Me Bwana Heartland Reggae The Chiltern Hundreds Rembrandt Casino Royale Elephant Boy Hurricane The Hunchback of Notre Dame Lost Southern Roses The Black Windmill Bílá Velryba The Heart of a Man Morning Departure Diamanty jsou věčné Bounty The Challenge I'll Get You for This Smrt na Nilu Floods of Fear Princ a tanečnice Meet Me Tonight Vražda na úrovni Hamlet Arabeska Lovec lidí Valentino Zlo pod sluncem Chitty Chitty Bang Bang They Made Me a Fugitive Reach for the Sky Africká královna The Grass Is Greener The Spy in Black Hunted Nevinní v Paříži Malta Story Sleeping Car to Trieste Heartland Reggae Kind Hearts and Coronets Zlato Man of Africa Dokonalý zločin Slídil Alfie Darling Plenty Personal Affair Our Man in Havana One Good Turn These Dangerous Years Baffled! Žít a nechat zemřít Upstairs and Downstairs The Boy Who Stole a Million Yesterday's Hero Le Mans The Spanish Gardener The Young Lovers Maria Chapdelaine