David Bailie Piráti z Karibiku: Prokletí Černé perly Piráti z Karibiku: Truhla mrtvého muže The Islander Johanka z Arku According to Plan: The Making of 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest' Legend of the Werewolf Pirates of the Caribbean: Tales of the Code: Wedlocked Hitting Town Son of Dracula October 1 Gladiátor The Timber All's Well That Ends Well Piráti z Karibiku: Na konci světa The Little Minister Doctor Who: The Robots of Death Henry VIII and His Six Wives The Beyond Ostrov hrdlořezů Jack staví dům Traveller In the Trap Oživlé zlo Jazz on a Summer's Day The Lonely Man's Lover Henry IV Part 1 Search/Destroy Pán času Pán času Blake's 7 Attila The Black Arrow