E. E. Clive Frankensteinova nevěsta Neviditelný muž Little Lord Fauntleroy Drákulova dcera Libeled Lady The Little Princess Charlie Chan in London The Gay Divorcee Arrest Bulldog Drummond Pride and Prejudice Rose of Washington Square Personal Property The Little Minister The Charge of the Light Brigade Bulldog Drummond Comes Back Bulldog Drummond Escapes Tarzan Escapes Captain Blood The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Loď komediantů Congo Maisie Lloyd's of London The Mystery of Edwin Drood It's Love I'm After Isle of Fury Bulldog Drummond's Bride Bulldog Drummond's Revenge The Emperor's Candlesticks Love Before Breakfast Bulldog Drummond in Africa Arsène Lupin Returns The Earl of Chicago Bulldog Drummond's Peril Danger – Love at Work Piccadilly Jim Raffles Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back Cain and Mabel Live, Love and Learn Trouble for Two The Poor Rich The Unguarded Hour The Dark Hour Ticket to Paradise Long Lost Father Atlantic Adventure Man About Town Father Brown, Detective We're in the Money Pes baskervillský Palm Springs The First Hundred Years The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, & Observation of David Copperfield the Younger They Wanted to Marry Ready, Willing and Able Beg, Borrow or Steal Kind Lady Stars Over Broadway Bachelor Mother The White Angel Page Miss Glory On the Avenue Mr. Moto's Last Warning Bulldog Drummond's Secret Police Cheaters at Play Kidnapped Submarine Patrol Maid of Salem The Golden Arrow All American Chump All American Chump The Last Warning I'm from Missouri Love Under Fire Gateway Zahraniční dopisovatel Flowing Gold Remember Last Night? Dáma s kaméliemi One More River Night Must Fall The Widow from Monte Carlo Gold Diggers of 1935 Adventure in Diamonds Riptide A Feather in Her Hat 3 Kids and a Queen The Big Parade of Comedy Loď komediantů A Tale of Two Cities