Aubrey Schenck The Black Sleep Frankenstein 1970 Frankenstein 1970 Macabre Shield for Murder Port of New York Robinson Crusoe na Marsu Převozník T-Men Shock Repeat Performance Crime Against Joe Big House, U.S.A Voodoo Island Up Periscope Nástraha v zátoce The Fat Man Undercover Girl Slepá ulička Válečné bubny Three Bad Sisters Revolt at Fort Laramie Violent Road Born Reckless The Broken Star Hot Cars Mickey Hell Bound Down Memory Lane Strange Triangle Red Stallion In The Rockies Wyoming Mail Don't Worry, We'll Think of a Title The Black Sleep Untamed Youth Pharaoh's Curse Quincannon, stopař z pohraničí Target Unknown Daughters of Satan Jungle Heat Born Reckless Emergency Hospital Rebel in Town The Girl in Black Stockings Wild Harvest Fort Bowie