Jerry Fielding The Wild Bunch: An Album in Montage Strašáci One of Our Own Divoká banda Hluboký spánek Psanec Josey Wales Násilník Napůl drsňák Junior Bonner Shirts/Skins Shirts/Skins Shirts/Skins Přineste mi hlavu Alfreda Garcii Štír The Gambler Ďábelské sémě Mechanik zabiják The Lucille Ball Comedy Hour The Lucille Ball Comedy Hour The Lucille Ball Comedy Hour Below the Belt Honky Tonk Inside O.U.T. Ellery Queen: Don't Look Behind You Demon and the Mummy Chatova země For Those Who Think Young The Crazy World of Laurel and Hardy Černá výprava Lovey: A Circle of Children, Part II The Snoop Sisters The Nun and the Sergeant Hunters Are for Killing Mr. Horn Cries in the Night Ponorka na dně Beyond the Poseidon Adventure Zabijácká elita Železný stisk Little Ladies of the Night Johnny Got His Gun Strážce zákona Noční příchozí Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came? Advise & Consent The New March of Dimes Presents: The Scene Stealers High Midnight A Simple Adventure Story: Sam Peckinpah, Mexico and The Wild Bunch The Black Bird The Super Cops Špatné zprávy pro medvědy Divoká banda Noon Wine Strážce zákona Matt Helm Štír Mission: Impossible vs. the Mob Hustling Útěk z Alcatrazu Unwed Father Once Upon a Dead Man The Mike Douglas Show The Mike Douglas Show The Mike Douglas Show The Mike Douglas Show The Mike Douglas Show