
Hairspray 2007


Die hübsche Amber von Tussle hat ein Problem, und das hat einen Namen: Tracy Turnblad. Beide wollen eine Rolle in der momentan angesagtesten Fernsehserie ergattern, und ausgerechnet die pummelige Tracy scheint der schlanken, hübschen Amber diese vor der Nase wegschnappen zu können. Einen Haken hat die Sache aber, denn Tracys Mutter will eigentlich gar nicht, daß ihre Tochter eine Karriere im Showbiz startet.



Hairspray 1988


Baltimore 1962: Die Teenies Tracy und Penny träumen von einer großen Tanzkarriere. Doch vorerst bleibt den beiden Girls nichts anderes übrig, als vor dem Bildschirm zur Corny- Collins-Show zu proben. Als sie heimlich an einem Talentwettbewerb teilnehmen, werden sie schließlich doch noch engagiert. Obwohl Tracy nicht gerade gertenschlank ist, macht sie – sehr zum Ärger der eitlen Amber – erfolgreich Karriere.


Frances Ha

Frances Ha 2013


Frances ist 27 und vollauf damit beschäftigt, ihre Karriere als Tänzerin immer wieder neu zu erfinden. Wie viele ihrer Generation der Endzwanziger will sie alles ausprobieren, erreicht dabei aber nur wenig. Ihr größter Erfolg ist die Freundschaft mit der mürrischen und scharfzüngigen Sophie, mit der sie ihre Tage in New York verbringt: "wie ein lesbisches Paar, das keinen Sex mehr hat". Eine aufkeimende Romanze zu einem ihrer Freunde endet im Nirgendwo.


American Bandstand

American Bandstand 1957


American Bandstand was an American music-performance show that aired in various versions from 1952 to 1989 and was hosted from 1956 until its final season by Dick Clark, who also served as producer. The show featured teenagers dancing to Top 40 music introduced by Clark; at least one popular musical act—over the decades, running the gamut from Jerry Lee Lewis to Run DMC—would usually appear in person to lip-sync one of their latest singles. Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon holds the record for most appearances at 110. The show's popularity helped Dick Clark become an American media mogul and inspired similar long-running music programs, such as Soul Train and Top of the Pops. Clark eventually assumed ownership of the program through his Dick Clark Productions company.


Dance Deewane

Dance Deewane 2018


All the 3 generation People will compete with each other in their own categories and Later 1 from each 3 categories will be selected for the Grand Finale. The One Will be the Winner.


Ghoul A Go-Go

Ghoul A Go-Go 2001


A 1960s style childrens show hosted by Vlad, Creighton, and The Invisible Man. The children dance to ol' timey rock n' roll and are shown odd movie clips by Creighton. Live bands also play for the children.


Graffiti Rock

Graffiti Rock 1984


Graffiti Rock was a hip-hop based television program, originally screened June 29, 1984. Intended as an on-going series, the show only received one pilot episode and aired on WPIX channel 11 in New York City and 88 markets around the country, to good Nielsen ratings. Graffiti Rock resembled a hip hop version of the popular television dance shows at the time such as Soul Train and American Bandstand. The show was created and hosted by Michael Holman, who was the manager of the popular break-dancing crew, the New York City Breakers. The episode features Run D.M.C., Shannon, The New York City Breakers, DJ Jimmie Jazz and Kool Moe Dee and Special K of the Treacherous Three. The New York City Breakers, who were fresh off of their success from the movie, Beat Street, made a showcase appearance. The episode also features television and film actress, Debi Mazar and actor/director Vincent Gallo as dancers on the show. A segment of the show was sampled on The Beastie Boys' LP Ill Communication. "[...] alright, you're scratchin it right now, cut the record back and forth against the needle, back and forth, back and forth, make it scratch, but let me tell you something don't try this at home on your dad's stereo only under hiphop supervision, alright ?" The show has since become an important 'must-see' for hip-hop enthusiasts, alongside such titles as Wild Style and Beat Street.