Toby Wing Die 42. Straße Abenteuer im Zauberwald American Pluck Double Daring Murder at the Vanities The Discontented Canary True Confession Rhythmitis Mister Cinderella With Love and Kisses Jimmy's New Yacht Mr. Boggs Steps Out Das Fest von Santa Barbara Revolution der Jugend Sweethearts Der kleine Gangsterkönig Silks and Saddles Search for Beauty The Women Men Marry Keyhole Katie Hill-Tillies Arizona to Broadway College Humor Thoroughbred Die glückliche Hand The Pony Express The Marines Come Thru Added Attractions: The Hollywood Shorts Story Kiss and Make-Up Forced Landing Two for Tonight The Kid from Spain Zander the Great Rhythm on the Roof Palmy Days Star Night at the Cocoanut Grove Central Airport She Had to Say Yes A Boy of Flanders Come On, Marines! One Hour Late Baby Face Der Detektiv und die Spielerin Blue of the Night Ma's Pride and Joy Schwarzer Schwan Sing While You're Able Hollywood Extra Girl He Who Gets Slapped School for Girls Busby Berkeley: Going Through the Roof Mickey's Review Young Onions