Bill Dean Match of the Day Waiting at the Field Gate In Sickness and in Health Flame Family Life Beasts: What Big Eyes Going Gently Brookside: Friday the 13th Die Nacht der tausend Augen Abschaum - Höllenloch der Gewalt! Der Priester Break In Night People The Golden Vision The Rank and File Auf leisen Sohlen Speech Day Kes Slayground The Big Flame Hillsborough Gib's ihm Chris Rising Damp Mord im Spiegel Skallagrigg Bag of Yeast After a Lifetime Roll On Four O'Clock The Best Pair of Legs in the Business A Turn for the Worse Bank Holiday Freedom of the Dig Heartbeat Beasts Pennies from Heaven Der Mann mit dem Koffer Detektei Blunt The Expert Oh No, It's Selwyn Froggitt! Playhouse The Wackers Der Aufpasser Justice The Gathering Seed Public Eye Die Füchse Budgie