Rudy Behlmer Die Akte Frankenstein Censorship and Desire Embracing Chaos: Making The African Queen Jetzt siehst Du ihn! Die Lieblingsmumie Ben-Hur: The Making of an Epic The Adventures of Errol Flynn RKO Production 601: The Making of 'Kong, the Eighth Wonder of the World' Angels with Dirty Faces: Whaddya Hear? Whaddya Say? You Must Remember This: Ein Tribut an Casablanca Becoming John Ford Welcome to Sherwood! The Story of 'The Adventures of Robin Hood' Jezebel: Legend of the South Der Geist der Oper - Das Phantom demaskiert Discovering Treasure: The Story Of 'The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre' Robby the Robot: Engineering a Sci-Fi Icon Cinerama Adventure The Dawn of Sound: How Movies Learned to Talk Captain Blood: A Swashbuckler Is Born A House of Secrets: Exploring 'Dragonwyck' Casablanca: An Unlikely Classic Stagecoach: A Story of Redemption Killer Instincts: Richard Widmark and Ida Lupino at Twentieth Century Fox Robin Hood: The Myth, the Man, the Movie Singin' in the Rain: Raining on a New Generation Jack L. Warner: The Last Mogul The Music of 'Humoresque' Michael Curtiz: The Greatest Director You Never Heard Of What a Glorious Feeling: The Making of 'Singin' in the Rain' William Powell: A True Gentleman Public Enemies: The Golden Age of the Gangster Film Thou Shalt Not: Sex, Sin and Censorship in Pre-Code Hollywood The Ultimate Romance: The Making of 'Notorious' Alfred Hitchcock: The Ultimate Spymaster Guilt by Association: Psychoanalyzing 'Spellbound' The Making of 'Rebecca' The Maltese Falcon: One Magnificent Bird In the Beginning: Quo Vadis and the Genesis of the Biblical Epic Das Universum laut Universal Victor Fleming: Master Craftsman 1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year Tarzan: Silver Screen King of the Jungle The Fantasia Legacy: The Concert Feature The Making of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Backstory: 'All About Eve' King Kong 60th Anniversary Special: "It was beauty killed the beast." Elizabeth & Essex: Battle Royale Backstory: 'Gentleman's Agreement' Backstory: 'How Green Was My Valley' A Streetcar in Hollywood A Streetcar on Broadway Amazing! Exploring the Far Reaches of Forbidden Planet Bette and Joan: Blind Ambition Celebrating Dumbo Hollywood Without Make-Up The Dick Cavett Show