John Hargreaves The Great Gold Swindle Malcolm Special Air Patrol 22 Don's Party Long Weekend Trendsetters – Jahrmarkt der Illusionen Rebellion Der Rechtlosen The Heroes Hoodwink Deathcheaters Dakota Harris Beyond Reasonable Doubt Linda, John und Kate - oder: Rache ist süß My First Wife The Removalists Boundaries of the Heart Blackfellas The Place at the Coast Land hinter dem Regenbogen The Killing of Angel Street Careful, He Might Hear You Rome Roméo Vier Tage Angst Mad Dog - Der Rebell Schrei nach Freiheit Country Life Lust and Revenge Hotel Sorrento Double Sculls The Lizard King Blue Murder Young Ramsay Power Without Glory The Leaving of Liverpool Bluey Scales of Justice Marie Curie, une femme honorable The Dismissal The Alien Years