John Beal Irren ist menschlich Atlantic Convoy Amityville 3 Madame X The Little Minister Die Elenden My Six Convicts Key Witness Jennifer: A Woman’s Story Erbschaft um Mitternacht Ellery Queen and the Perfect Crime Another Language Dracula - Immer bei Anbruch der Nacht Im Namen des Gesetzes Komödie um Liebe Stand By All Networks The Legend of Lizzie Borden Doctors Don't Tell Hat, Coat and Glove Port of Seven Seas The Man Who Found Himself Border Cafe Ten Who Dared Alimony Let's Have Fun The Arkansas Traveler Eine Leiche auf Rezept Beg, Borrow or Steal Hochzeit des Grauens Danger Patrol Todesfalle von Chikago M'Liss Laddie One Thrilling Night We Who Are About to Die Die Zehn Gebote Die Firma That Night! Der Brief an den Weihnachtsmann Twelve Angry Men A Place at the Table Messenger of Peace Know Your Enemy: Japan Song of Surrender Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years Fluch des Südens Eyes Aloft Photographic Intelligence for Bombardment Aviation Aufstand in Trollness Land and Live in the Desert The Trip to Bountiful Ein Champion zum Verlieben Rapids Ahead/Bear Country New Faces Die Straßen von San Francisco Hawkins Omnibus Kojak Studio One General Electric Theater Another World Lincoln Hollywood Preview Hallmark Hall of Fame Die Waltons The Millionaire Schlitz Playhouse of Stars One Step Beyond The Philco Television Playhouse The Alaskans Robert Montgomery Presents Inner Sanctum The Lieutenant Road To Reality Lights Out Ihr Star: Loretta Young Robert Montgomery Presents Studio One Studio One Kojak The Philco Television Playhouse The Nurses The Nurses